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First happy thanks giving if that's your thing (I'm not a fan of the holidays myself, but I hope you're holiday was nice if you celebrate/were able to partake)

So, after the solo part, I'd like to do a different scene... and in the previous post, I showed that test bit where the kobold babe is messing with the imp's butt. I think it was a fun scene, but should I continue it? Or do something where the imp is topping her?

The next two ideas are potential, but I also stuff I've explored previously. I'm extremely down with these too- all these ideas I'd be excited to animate and flesh out nicely, but I don't know if retreading these would be boring since it's so soon.

Maybe she uses a toy in her butt, the imp is filming it (and maybe fapping too?) And it's got a (fluids) tube, and the imp pumps it in her and there's some sweet fluids? Idk

Maybe the imp has the camera somewhere, showing him putting some eggs in her butt, then picks the cam back up and she lays them?