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Update: I'm going to try using the collections feature more since I think Patreon probably wants that to be the way posts are organized.

To find finished animations check out the "finished animation" tag:


For frozen pizza patrons, you can find all the model downloads using the "model download" tag:


A note about models, I need to do some stuff with that, like at least making some of the older ones Blender 4.0 friendly... so for now they're sort of "as is" but it's on my to-do list to update them.

There's other stuff on the collections tab, also on my to-do list is to make more collections with stuff like posts about game stuff, python stuff, for-fun stuff, etc... but for now the most complete collections are the finished animations and model download ones.

Thank you so much for your support and I hope you enjoy!

~Velocirection, aka V-Rex~



You certainly have the audacity to say that in patreon, never fucking say these kinds of things about Trans People again

Yevhen, The Immortal Dragon

So this post is some three-ish years old now, and I'm finding that these tagged links don't actually work. It looks like when I open one Patreon just loads the normal /posts page with no modifiers attached to it. Very bothersome, I don't know why Patreon seems to have it's heart set on the most inconvenient format for a content gallery. It even puts Twitter to shame, somehow. Regardless none of that is your fault ofc, you're amazing and I love you lmao, just thought I'd notify. uwu

Michael Casey

An Idea for a new animation future project, Accidental anal vore. if interested just reply and i will give details on the project.


That is an idea I've thought about, written some ideas down and all, but haven't done anything on *yet* but I would love to at some point. Please do give me some details on what you had in mind though! I'd love to hear them!

Michael Casey

Alright, I was thinking your Bronto had a sleep over and after all fun was done a friend of his fell asleep on his booty. after a while the bronto shifts in his sleep and his friend falls into his booty hole. the sleepy big guy feels it and instinctively slurps him while still snoozing but the little guy's commotion of being slurped up wakes his other friends in the room.

Michael Casey

needless to say they all get excited about it and have a very fun time, Note: No one is harmed or offed in this scenario, this is anal vore not death/snuff.


bro your animation is good but in reality it would be better than ever if it wasn't trans xd that is women with vaginas and that it doesn't have anything cool I hope it's not something personal bro I like your animations.


I'm glad you like my animations and I'm sorry you feel that way, but my wonderful patrons voted on the design of the kobold. The poll skewed highly in favor of the trans kobold design: https://www.patreon.com/posts/next-animation-5-57537736 I understand if it's not what you get off to, but a lot of my audience likes trans women (and I do as well). Not all animations have trans folks in them of course, and eventually I do plan on making a woman with vagina. But there will be more with the kobold in the future as well.