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With the rigs finally pretty much hopefully 100% good to go for animating and I won't need to make any further changes for the duration of the rest of this project (I HOPE >_>) I'm testing out some animation. The above is a scene where the other donkey is looking at him, as he's absorbed in his phone, then happens to look down and see his dick, then we see the other donkey's face turning away (which I haven't animated yet)

Originally, I wanted to have him with ear buds in his ears, jamming out to music with a towel around his neck (towel not pictured) but that seemed a bit ambitious ^^; So, I decided he's looking at his phone- that's the thing he's doing as the brown donkey gazes upon him.

Though for the most part I was busy adding erection controls + organizing everyone's rigs. I didn't know you could give bones color until today! So I color coded bones based on what they do

Originally, main body controls were yellow, but it makes the bone labels pretty much unviewable in the action editor so I switched them to purple.

Character animation seems to be difficult for two reasons- 1, animation is tough when it's not put it in the hole type stuff >_> and 2, there's many moving parts to a fully realized character and keeping it organized and manageable becomes a challenge. Thankfully, blender has bone groups/layers which make it a lot easier.

I'm least worried about animating the sex as inverse kinematics do a lot of the heavy lifting. The other stuff is the tough part! So, I'm keeping the introductory stuff to a minimum and I'm going to try to focus mostly on the fun parts.

I'll upload the updated models for frozen pizza patrons after testing animation more. I have a feeling they're suitable for use now, but I'll use them a bit more before declaring the rigs "good enough." 

-Velocirection, chief sexy officer of Pizzass Games



marenoodles (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 16:30:16 :o the dong manipulation is heavenly <3
2021-02-11 12:45:16 :o the dong manipulation is heavenly <3

:o the dong manipulation is heavenly <3


Thank you~ I'd like to do a scene like that, we can see all of their cocks gettin HARD ^^l