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Still working on it :3 Honestly, this is juust about as far as I wanted to go with this but I really do want to do an animation... A few scenes. Maybe there's a STORY!? Perhaps, this gym has unisex locker room. But do you think they came together as friends? Or are they strangers, the two donkies secret admirers...

By the way, it's a gym for both people of regular body size and BIG bodies~ this triceratops babe is a brick house, built like an amazon~~~

A patron suggested a few ideas I also would love to try involving a lil' water sports that I'd also love to try with some fluid simulation owo

Something I think has become a lot more clear to me is how important vertex colors are to the look I want to achieve. I'm not using any real texturing for the characters yet- instead, I'm relying on vertex colors to do the heavy lifting. The background is very basic, but it also helps me understand that vertex colors are sacred and important to the look I want, especially after studying the beautiful environments of ps2-era games.

Without boring anyone with details, a big trick for faking lighting or adding smooth color detail to environments and such back in the day was using vertex colors, a method of coloring polygons by basically giving each vertex of the model color information. There is a real beauty to this look- I don't know how much modern games use vertex colors, but it's a lost art the way artists used them in the locations for say, Kingdom Hearts (combined with godly texture work as well)

I also made a sweat bead shader, quite simple- combining the fresnel as an outline and a "matcap" style sphere texture mapped to appear away from the center of the mesh. I think it works quite well with this style!

-Velocirection, chief sexy officer of Pizzass Games



RavenWorks (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 16:31:17 god this is seriously the hottest thing I've seen in ages!! this rules so much, aaaagh<333
2021-01-24 13:38:11 god this is seriously the hottest thing I've seen in ages!! this rules so much, aaaagh<333

god this is seriously the hottest thing I've seen in ages!! this rules so much, aaaagh<333