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*NOTE I haven't done any graphics for it yet, these are just place holders!!!!

I did a bit on the scene selection menu. A bit as in I just programmed it to be very basically functional at the moment! No graphics are done for it yet. But you can click a button and it takes you to a scene. I'm not sure how many scenes will be in the game but as you can see you'll be able to see 6 at a time. There will be back/next button to navigate pages or return to the title screen.

The way it'll work is you can jump to any scene you want that you've experienced in the game and play the game from there. You know, like a movie on a DVD! I'm not sure how to implement saving/loading *yet* but you will be able to save the game and load it from where you left off like a normal game. Scene selection is there in case you want to see a particular part of the game again but don't want to play through the entire thing to get there.

You pick a scene and can play the entire game from that point onward. This isn't working yet, but I'd like it so you can go to the scene selection menu at any time.

This will also show you scenes you've missed- ones that can't be selected will be just be a "???" kind of graphic. Because there will be scenes that can be missed! Such as the sexy scenes through out the game(except for the one at the end) or some conversations with characters you can miss. One I'm pretty excited to work on but I want to *finally* have a demo ready... so that's my focus now. Which is very close to ready :3

-Velocirection, chief sexy officer of Pizzass Games.
