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Good news, both fluid renders are done. In the second shot, each splash render has a corresponding milk render.

Something I noticed when compositing the milk and splash pass was that... it only worked on the fluid and didn't work on the reflections on Nyro. So for a proper composite of the two images, I tested compositing the glossy direct render pass and the emission pass (basically the fluid color attributes with the glossy reflections on stuff)

Here's why it's important: this is just the fluid with the mix color attribute.

This is the composite with the glossy pass: 

There's milk on his chest and stomach being reflected on the appendage! And if only the mix pass is used without the glossy pass the reflections of the milk won't appear on their appendage.

This is the composite of the splash and milk passes using only the fluid mix color (no glossiness!)

 This is with the fluid mix color and the glossiness combined:

 You'll notice the subtle white reflection showing up on the appendage!

Anyway, here's some renders of the milk pass:

 Most of the fluid here is supposed to be splash... but it looks quite nice as milk I'd say.

Once the mix mask pass is rendered I can render the final composite renders. So far it's on 3159 (out of 5423, I started animating this on frame 3000). Picking red for the splash was an unfortunate looking choice but one of these fluids had to be red so they could be separated easily within the shader or in post.

I've also been creating the "master" version of Nyro for future use. This is an animation from before I started incorporating library linking into my workflow and sloppily added features to the rig just for this animation. So I had to do some stuff to make the changes from the local rig used in this animation carry over to the metarig and then the animation rig. And I've also decided to go with a physics mesh based approach for some of Nyro's dynamics instead of using the Bone Dynamics add-on. This method works a lot better when using library linking.


I've made some improvements to the appendage (so it's easier to pose, the setup I had before was a bit annoying to work with). I also finally rigged the hole properly so now it has shrink wrap bones. Very basic animation to test those out:

 I was also feeling a bit inspired to do some more stuff with that alien babe from awhile ago. I redid some stuff on her rig and finally attached the fins on the back of her head (they're not posed very well here because only one side of her face/head exists in the rig right now!)

 So yeah, the Nyro animation (I'm calling it "A Suck of Milk") will be done shortly after the mix pass renders are done. In the mean time I'm going to add in some extra effects stuff like particle splashes for little drops on the camera or to add some extra oomph to parts.



ely nathus

hey v-rex, patreon is cracking down on vore stuff, if you don't have a subscribestar now might be the time to make one just in case ^^;


That's a real shame... but I do have one! I've posted a bit to it but I don't think I have any members yet. However if that's the case, I'd use that for updates on/releases of vore related stuff.

ely nathus

yeah, dunno why patreon is screwing over their artists like this, they could just leave it alone. but anyways, yeah if patreon does decide to remove you here then i'll definitely head over to subscribestar. might be best to post your old stuff to it to turn it into a backup gallery though, that way peeps wouldn't be losing anything by migrating over there, just an idea ^^ in any case, have a great day and stay awesome dude!


Thanks! Yeah I should do that, at least for the vore related things, remove them from patreon and put them on subscribe star to be safe. Really sucks though because I'm working on deep dish thing and not being able to post it on patreon is annoying... ah well. I guess subscribe star will be for stuff that's too hot for patreon.


I'd *love* to see Nyro lose his v-card to the new pink alien girl.


It could happen! I want to oral first (as part of some lore I might be able to squeeze into it... like she really enjoys giving Nyro head) but she'd be down to get fucked by them. (plus I figure it'd be easier to only have to animate her from the waist up since I'd only have finish rigging the upper body for now :p)