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Completed: 23 Apr 2023

In this new series, we investigate the dangers of archaeological research, digging deep into human nature. We’re focused on the main events, but not everything is what it seems to be.

The main character of the series is a sympathetic hunky bloke named Bruce. On the DAZ vendor page, he is described as the most loving man in the collection. ‘He's very quiet because he struggles to speak. He prefers to use his body as a way of communicating.’ Sounds perfect!

‘Bruce is very assertive and brave. That is why he became an archaeologist. So, he can travel the world and explore. Bruce's personality is ahead of his time. He is confident, doesn't go by the norms, and loves any human being. He is a hard-working man and is not afraid to get his hands dirty.' That sounds even better! I find this description most endearing, and this background info was just what I needed as a starting point for the new series.

The story begins at the archaeological site in the middle of the Desert Depression, a nicely detailed environment of some ancient dried-up lake. With a tent, camping gear, an offroad car, and some working tools, Bruce is well-equipped to start digging and exploring the history of human nature.

During the series, the character stays focused by using a variety of optical instruments. While surveying the dig, Bruce discovers a massive human figure lurking in the shadows of a tree. Following the native, he arrives at a gorge, where he finds a second local dweller fishing by the riverside. The setting of the ravine and grotto was based on the Misty River Gorge model by Stonemason, and further completed with some additional Sketchfab rocks and electronics.

Although the viewer remains focused on the main events of the story, nothing is as it seems. The two primitive natives, for example, look and behave as if from a different species of humanoid from another era. And yet, their conduct is remarkably considerate and tender towards the new intruder. Clearly, there’s much more going on than meets the eye, even when sharply focused on what they’re doing.

While Bruce is intimately entertained by the two ‘Neanderthals’, the manager of the Gay Safari Escort Service keeps a close eye on the steamy events at the resort. After checking in a new client, the managers closely observe an approaching airplane. The resort turns out to be a busy place.

The office was originally based on the Desert Motel Office, a rundown reception office from the Desert Motel Bundle by Polish. It had a serious upgrade to meet the standards of a luxurious resort. In the end, only the outline of the office, with the counter, a key hanger, and some minor items made it into the final model.

Some test renders...

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Greg Hancock

Damn David. He is a sexy hunk. Looking forward to seeing what adventures you take Bruce and us on. Is he a candidate for animation down the road?


Thanks! Good question... not thought about that, but who knows. Frist see how this is going to work out :o)

Greg Hancock

So true. And once you create him in different poses and scenes can really get a grasp on him and really get to know him.

Greg Hancock

So isolated location. All alone. What trouble can he get up too? Hummm. Time travel portal. Old buried temple. Tomb of long lost pharaoh. Hidden entrance to Atlantis

Greg Hancock

Or…., buried crashed alien space ship with pilot in stasis chamber? Hummmm


Looking forward to seeing what kind of story you put him in!


Archeologists, Anthropologists, Paleontologists, and Biologists are all so super sexy! "Atlantis or stasis chamber" are so romantic! I love Neanderthals and Homo erectus (Homo Erection), too!" Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!


Or perhaps a mystic artifact that transports him to an ancient realm where the priests and gods of an ancient civilization take an interest in him. We'll find out soon enough!

Keith Nathan

Gotta love this setting! I wonder is Bruce part of the Prince of Nile universe? :P


Very Indiana Jones - doesn't say a lot but oozes sex appeal. I'm looking forward to Bruce's horny adventures.


Thanks, Gray! Yes, a bit like Jones, same profession, very different adventure ;o)