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Completed: 13 Nov 2022 

After finding The Forbidden Fruit, our team continues exploring the outer regions of planet Tellus. This time the focus is on an unknown region, beyond the red mountains, called The Garden of Eden.  

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The End

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Greg Hancock

Holy holy hell. Now that’s a bed. And what a hot way to have a foursome. Hehehe. Cool idea David. Wow.


Thanks! Yes, I can imagine that new technology has a lot to offer in the future ;o)


Erotic Fantasy at its finest

Greg Hancock

Oh wow David. This update is amazing. Erotic creative and passionate. Def worth waiting for. And then some.


Thanks, Greg!!! Glad you like it. As usual, you're the first to comment. Much appreciated :o)


Greatest 4Some with the most versatile & beautiful configurations of bodily combinations and interactions! Profound ecstasy!


Thanks! That's great to hear. I guess the guys have some experience with that ;o)


I love these horny dudes and I love that the big guy is starting to let his chest hair grow


Thanks! Yes, I think they're in a holiday mood, so no shaving today ;o)

Jason Stieber

That bed(s) is perfect for this lovely quad poly group of men! They're the same guys from the camping trip, right? I'm so impressed and turned on. The devotion and tenderness between the two main characters is what really sends me over the top. Even after all of their four-gy acrobatics, those two still set aside time for an aftercare fuck. So hot. I can't wait for the update!


Thanks, and yes, it's the same team from the Forbidden Fruit series. Glad you like them :o) I imagine they're two couples that ended up in something of a quad relationship. I guess that in such a case a bed like that would be most practical ;o)

Jason Stieber

Fantastic update today, David. I love seeing these men deepen their intimacy. Big Man's dick is flawless. From certain angles it seems to be slightly thicker mid-shaft than at the base. I've always loved cocks shaped like that. Thanks for bringing the pleasure!


Fascinating and entirely new. A more intimate + curvaceous Escher. Mind-bending. Can't decide if the near-interchangeability of three of them (only the big blond was firmly identifiable throughout for me) enhances the mind-bending switches of viewpoint or diminishes my pleasure in following the action. The latest (the midnight at the window sex) seemed pretty and the blond's cock great but, after the two-gravities bed, oddly pedestrian: "this I've seen before, plenty."


The building looks completely real and not quite like other buildings. Love it.

Greg Hancock

Perfect. Love it. Just love it. How to be loving


Thanks and sorry for disappointing with the latest. I guess in the end we've all been there, seen that done that... ;o)


Stieber: you improved my life with "four-gy" and "after-care fuck."


I really love this series!!! Thanks to your wonderful and amazing creativity!

Greg Hancock

Man those black suits are sexy as hell.


Such an amazing story going David, where do our hero's go? what do they fuck? Is there tentacle sex like the last chapter? how wild does this story go? I trust you Story Teller, you do an amazing job David!


Thanks, Jared! All very good questions indeed and only time will tell, for I'm not sure myself where all this is going ;o)


"rubs shoulders" go where you want with your canvas David you're amazing!

Greg Hancock

Oh my god. David. You are out doing yourself. And what ever those black suits are and that connecting tube. Amazing.


Thanks, Greg! Had these suits initially in mind for the Outpost series, so I still had them on the to-use list ;o)


Those suits and that cock connector — I’m buzzing with anticipation!


Just wish to have a look into your mind occasionally... but in a way, what you put into pictures is a reflection of it! The pleasures and abysses that are lurking there...

Greg Hancock

Glad you thought of them. Def wild and exciting. And could drive those poor boys wild with pleasure. So so hot. And by the way. Damn. I like that darker haired stud. Glad you even gave him some chest hair.


That cube has its own gravity? How is that not causing magnetic disturbances in the surrounding environment?

James Armstrong

The next day they went out on their floater-cycles.... I hope you have a great vacation!


I guess you're right and no idea where this all comes from. Must be a murky place, with all those pleasure and abysses ;o)


Wow, those black suits look like they have an adaptation of the alien technology in Outpost.....


Yes, same technology. Thought to explore the theme a bit further... ;o)

Greg Hancock

Damn David. Just keeps getting better. And wow that connecting tube seems to be elongating that big studs already big member. Hehehe. Loved seeing his cock resting on the back of the smaller guy. Hehehe. Is something growing and mutating? Hummmmm. Nice.


Thanks! Great to hear and yes, something seems to be growing in the Garden of Eden :o)

Greg Hancock

Love things growing. And developing mind of its own. Hehehe. Love it. Keep exploring and let’s see what we find. Hehehe. Hugs David.


Yes, growth is always good, and size matters. Even in the Garden of Eden ;o)

Jeff Watson

Love the strength on that big guy. Your wyvern is particularly nasty looking. The wings alone are killing machines.

Greg Hancock

Holy cow. That guy is a true stallion. Tarzan def protecting his mate. Love it.


Making love in such a dangerous place must be rather... ... thrilling!? Perhaps the wyvern is just there to watch?! Or, providing the couple with a ride to a more exciting place? Haha!


Hmmmm.... could be, but the creature did not look very friendly... time will tell ;o)


Thanks! Yes, it's a very nasty-looking one. Hope this will end well for our heroes of the story :o|

Darrell BlackandBlue

The big guy is so butch--beating up reptiles with his bare hands in questionable gravitational environments!

Greg Hancock

Love how after they cum and are resting the blonde hunks cock is resting on the mates back. Just like one of your tentacle friends or an elephant’s trunk. Hope he grows and stays like that. Hehehe

Darrell BlackandBlue

They can't seem to keep their hands off of each other. Even in the most dangerous locales!


The MALE gender always mixes the elements of DANGER & SEX/Lust together, and the outcome (cum / outdoor sports) is always GREAT! (But I do lament for the poor flying wyvern...it must have experienced something so traumatic before the bitter end...)


Yes, I guess those are the main ingredients for the male mix. Not sure I'm that sorry for that wyvern, didn't look all that friendly to me. At least I spared you the details, by skipping to the next part of the story ;o)


Yes, you're right. I guess they're still at the beginning of their relationship. But I'm sure they'll get over it... :O)


When the skip happened, I was worried for a moment that the sleeping guy dreamed up the whole encounter. Then I saw the other guy and the dead Wyvern and sighed in relief.


Yes, that could have been a scenario, but luckily the big boy is still around for a bit more fun. So we're still good ;o)

Greg Hancock

Now that’s wild. And the big guy just keeps getting more and more impressive. Grow baby grow.


So nice that, lately, our big hero gets our little hero's ass opened up for his ever-enlarging dick with some deep ass eating.


What a fuck! I thought for a long time (delicious time!) that the dino would be deterred by their roars and moans... or perhaps take them for the sounds of baby rexes? Nice cliff hanger, though!

Greg Hancock

Hehehe. Feel jealous of the little guy. That muscle hunk is def the alpha and his cumming is drawing in the Dino’s. And each time he defeats one he grows and so does his member.


Thanks! Yes, baby rexesiz... didn't think about that, but it could be right. Perhaps it only dared to attack once the big guy shrunk back to his 'normal' size... :o|


Yes, the roars and moans attracted some curious locals and they don't seem to be too friendly, Wonder how the heroes will get out of it this time. Still have a whole week to work on that one ;o)

Greg Hancock

Oh man David. Now you have our four hero’s/hunks befriending a local. And a sexy looking local at that.


Yes, alien indigenous tribesman leading them to a mysterious temple... This can't end well :o)

Greg Hancock

It’s going to end with some big things growing and growing and many many smiles. Hehehe


Haha! I am thinking the same...perhaps these four soldiers will become the temple sex slaves, serving the entire tribe of blue men.


The blue tribesman is so sexy! And David has designed a stylish masterpiece of loincloths hanging from the neck, crossing the chest, forming a belt-like ring at the waist, hanging the front apron that covers the male part of the tribesman. In Slide #308, from an intriguing angle, we can see that this flaccid male part is almost as long as the front apron...we have to wonder how big it will get when excited! Now they are in the temple, and the apron/curtain will be lifted soon! Can't wait!


Thanks! Yes, the loincloth has a lot to hide, and the front apron just manages to do that. Better not to move too much and luckily there's not that much wind ;o)


Wonderful! Serving each other is what a "temple" is for...

Greg Hancock

Worshipping and being worshipped. Think our blue native will be able to give pleasure in many many ways.


Upward naughty "up-apron wind" "truth-revealing wind" "Win-Win Wind" and then the front apron will be "Gone with the Wind"! Can't wait!!!


Yes, wind can be good, but not too much, as we have seen in Florida :o| Luckily the apron is made of very stiff leather... :o))


Our thoughts are with the victims of Hurricane Ian, a monster storm...!


The apron is very stiff; the male part underneath is stiffer, I believe. The apron will be lifted, either by a gentle & naughty wind or by the stiffer virile member!


The new images of this week are very beautiful. The story becomes more and more sensual and exciting! Well done! Just a note: Is the "GardenOfEden344" image wrong? It is the same as 332 and makes no sense where you put it.


Thanks, Andrea, sorry about that, I'll have a look... They've changed the layout for creators on Patreon, and not for the better. I'm clearly still not used to it :o|

Darrell BlackandBlue

This is reminiscent of Avatar--but much, much better!


Wonderful update! Magnificent temple as a sensual-yoga studio, and the intriguing tree as a milking machine(?) The tree's roots are holding a large-sized crystal with a downward tip. Something good (or bad?) is going to happen once the milkers suck out the virile juice & energy from these 4 soldiers!? Anticipating...

Greg Hancock

Amazing! Now this is how interaction with other beings should be like. Have a feeling the local is in for a very very good time. And the tentacles are def back and giving massive group pleasure. Hehehe.


Thanks! Glad you like the setting and yes, clearly a serene stage for physical relaxation and in deep inner contemplation ;o)


Thanks! Yes, they're back and this time there's no escaping from the clutches of mother nature ;o)


Thanks! Perhaps James Cameron can use it for one of the endless Avatar movies he has planned to produce....

Greg Hancock

Think is wild how when the alpha male is in full glory he seems to grow bigger all over. More caveman like. And the dr seems finer more delicate. Then add in the other two partners who seem to be in between alpha and dr. Add in blue hunk and I think not only the tentacles from Mother Nature but from the native are going to be pleasuring and draining and adding to everyone’s experience. Love the direction you are going.


Amazing David, I love how this started as continuation of the heroes from part 1. I was so intrigued with how this would go and now its getting very exciting. I love your imagination and cant wait for the next update!


Thanks! Yes, I thought these guys deserved a second series, to explore their exotic world and each other a bit further ;o)

Greg Hancock

Oh man David. They are being drained. And yet they helped the blue guy ascend into the spiritual tree. Now wonder what blessings our guys will receive from this.


I guess all the trees, TREES, of this forest temple are formed this way...sexually! How wonderful! Botanists will be amazed by Priapus's discovery!


Thanks! I guess the native is some forest ghost leading them to the tree of life, of so... :o|

Greg Hancock

Now that is a fantastic concept and leads to so many new ideas. Like the ghost helping our boys become the new inhabitants of this world. They def earned a massive blessing.


Thanks, yeas entirely new species of tree, feeding on recruits. But what will it give back in return?.....


Yes, the possibilities are endless, not sure this series will ever end, if this continues to go on like this... ;o)

Greg Hancock

Hope not. It’s a good story line and you can explore so many fascinating threads. Hummm. The guys being pleasured by the tree of the gods and then the tree develops pods with new offspring. Hehehe. Suck those four hunks dry. Hehehe

Greg Hancock

Blessed by the spirits of the ancient ones. Saved from the beasts and brought to a sanctuary. Given pleasure that left them drained.


Perhaps these sensual TREES will bear some super fruits that are aphrodisiacs and make the recruits grow bigger and produce more virile juice to fertilize the trees, forming a positive feedback loop!


Seems such a shame. The first sentient native they've discovered in this series so far and already he's gone. I wonder if they'll ever meet others?

Fourth Nine

Roots of tree. Roots of men.


Yeah I was desperately to see the beautiful blue creature get some lovin from his new human companions. Hoping it'll come real soon!


David! The Garden of Eden story (as well as the one before it) about these 2 lovers and they're friends is the BEST work you've ever produced! Magnum Opus level for me! I hope you continue to build on this story. Would love to see this couple grow and grow together. Their connection (and the ensuing sex) is unparalleled!


Thanks! That's most kind of you and nice to hear :o) Yes, there's a lot of chemistry between those two, and enough material for at least another series. So, I think will be seeing more of them in the future ;o)

Greg Hancock

Incredible David just incredible. Blessed by the sacred tree and now four native hunks. Hope the storm troopers stop the predators before they interrupt the blessings.


Thanks! Glad you like it! It seems the tree worked like some multiplier... Insert one blue native, and you get 4 in return :o) Those predators are starting to become a bit annoying by now... :0|

Greg Hancock

Hehehe. Love that sacred tree. Can multiply as many of those sexy blue hunks as it wants. And yes. Those predators are becoming very annoying. That or just jealous lol. David this is one of your very best story lines.


That's great to hear! Didn't expect the project to work that well :o) Yes, that must be it. They're just jealous. Ubly jealous reptilian things....

Greg Hancock

It’s working very very well. Four pairs being blessed giving and receiving. And yet a hint of danger. Suspense.


Yes, some danger lurking in the background is always nice and works well in a story :o)


WOW!!!! I love this, seems like the Native lured them in to milk and feed the tree. Now that reinforcements have arrived, it will be a Garden of Eden indeed for the Natives haha. I cannot wait to see what happens in 2 weeks David, this is awesome! I really do hope you keep making stories of the 4 heroes like you do with Harry's wild adventures in space.

James Armstrong

Gives the phrase "getting wood" a whole new meaning!


Stunning! Transcendent meditation into another plane through the body.


I am wondering how will these human soldiers safely "withdraw" from this pre"dick"ment (predicament)!?


I wonder if this tree has any connection to the tree creatures that dispersed the fruit in the last series?


Hmmm... Good question. Had not thought about that... Who knows.... ;o)


Amazing story!!! (as always!) Thank you!


They levelled up and put their new ability points into charisma


Would love to do this with some of my army buddies, haha