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Completed: 26 Feb 2023

In this project, we return to the Solaris-1 Space Station (from the Gravity series), where Harry explores new frontiers.

NOTE: you can download the series of stills at the bottom of this post, and you can find the animation in the Add-Ons section of this project.

Part 8 - Back to Base

Part 9 - Connections

Part 10 - Higher-level

Part 11 - Alien

End of Part 11

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The room! The table! The room that Harry is in! I recognize that! It's the Room from the "Outcasts" series!


Yes! That's right. It's not exactly Brideshead, but something is being revisited here ;o)...

James Armstrong

Yes, it's one of those carbon freezing slabs! Is Harry about to be abducted? And delivered to a giant slug with arms?

Gaynor Fairbrother

Loving it. Is that tongue long enough to wrap all the way round Harry's knob?

James Armstrong

I like that there's a sex toy built into the cockpit. Seems appropriate.

Gaynor Fairbrother

Love the humour too. It fits in beautifully without taking away the sheer hotness.

André Medeiros

He went for the right size 🍆


Slightly worried Harry might loose his credentials in a meat grinder accident.


Don't worry, I'm sure he'll have the time of his life. Although it my hurt a little... :o)


how many chapters are there in this series?

James Armstrong

You are a really great director, outstanding!

James Armstrong

Do a pretty good job of casting as well.


Yes, yes, yes, YES, YES! A fuck of such powerful straightforwardness it blows (well) my mind! The android just keeps fucking harder and harder and harder. His facial contortions: A+ and Harry's A++. The relentless acceleration is so measured and gradual, but gathers incredible force. Even Harry's heroic butt looks small with that impossible meat-torpedo plunging it. Seeing Harry finally get rolled up and devastated, fucked past all hope of keeping his hard-on...a dream realized. Dunno who'll cum first, the android or me, but each time I watch this, It SENDS me. Great job, lad. Great thanks.


Thanks! Glad you like the work in progress, it's a slow but steady crescendo ;o)


Hm, re-reading, I see I've gotten quasi-porno writing about how hot that is. Obnoxious. Strict new plan: stick to "Great" and "Beautifully realized."


Me fascinan las tomas desde arriba o laterales...le sacan mucho partido sensual y erótico a las escenas de sexo. Mas si son hombres musculados y con un físico como estos.


I like the neutral lighting so far it makes them look hotter hopefully we see more of it in the s ex scenes. The switch to the warmer lighting is nice too for the recent scenes but somehow they blend too much with the warm background. The contrast between their flesh and the cold metal backgrounds really works with the neutral lighting for me. But that's just me 😅 Love your work by the way. It's the highest quality 3D animation out there. Best stories as well very good for erotic scenes.


Thanks, Sukuna! The different lights are a bit of an experiment, to see what works best for the scene, combined with the soundtrack. The original idea was to use multiple colors, like in a disco, but that had a very weird effect. Not very sensual ;o)


Yup that may have been weird with multiple colors but I'm sure you would've still pulled it off somehow hehe. But don't get me wrong I totally see why you used the warm lighting as it serves a purpose in the story. Maybe it's just that most of the scenes that personally stands out for me are the ones with beefcakes alone in their cyberpunk quarters hehe I love how there is almost no one around with them in their ships. But of course you're correct not every scene has to be that way. The thought that these are basically 200 pound beefcakes that haven't had human touch for months or years even really leaves a lot to our imagination. Brilliant concept!


Yes, unfortunately, the purple, blue, and yellow had a very weird effect on the scene. Thought that the neutral light had a somewhat chilly effect as well, and wanted to add a bit of fire and warmth to it ;o) Ah, yes, the emptiness of the ship.... As in the Gravity series, the idea is that the crew is in hyper-sleep, with only one member keeping watch, trying to amuse himself during the lonely hours. Seems to be doing fine so far... ;o)


This whole series is a masterful piece of work. The different scenes, the plots, the characters, the twists, the music... I remember telling you when you started that you were the future of gay erotica and you haven't disappointed! Your characters come to life, they are able to communicate sexiness, pride, fear, they even have a sense of humour, which is such an achievement. Your technique has also massively improved, everything is so real, or at least very real in the realm of our (my) imagination. In comparison with the decadent gay porn that is now produced (unbearable products) your creations still provide the excitement that only pieces of art can provide. It's good to sense that artists nowadays are out there still telling us stories that matter, in a way that is beautiful, that requires craft and sensitivity, that cares. Well done.


Wow! Thanks for that! That's quite a compliment that you're giving me there ;o) That's wonderful to hear, of course, very kind of you and much appreciated. It's always a great joy creating these things and the feedback is very stimulating. I guess there are indeed many looking for something different from the regular stuff (or decadent trash) that's produced nowadays, and I'm glad I can provide some alternative to that :o)

Fr. Defenestrato

Re lighting: nice experiment! I was just going to comment how your command of lighting and shadows has really come a long way since the early days. But it was actually at Part09_095.jpg that I was just dumbstruck with the insane beauty of the painting. Just amazing. And I heartily agree with the other commenters here: this series, while wildly episodic, is just brilliant. Golly, I have loved your work since I first encountered it. Keep being wonderful. :)


Thanks, Fr. Much appreciated! Yes, it has been a long and slow process, especially for animations, but we're getting there. In the end, it's all about taking enough time to tinker and mess around with all sorts of settings, poses, and digital props ;o)


Mi pelirrojo todo poderoso....go harder !!!!


Yes, the redhead is on the rise and going full steam ahead! :o)

Nicholas Witkamp

Have a very nice break David and enjoy yourself


Another incredible chapter!! Thank you!

Gaynor Fairbrother

Love it. The sex faces, the precum. I'm hoping whatever happens next, the blue guy keeps his space chaps on.

Jeff Watson

The tripartite "eye" on this machine as well as the tentacles, is rather reminiscent of the portrayal of the Martians in the 1953 version of War of the Worlds. It was creepy in the movie and still creepy here. FYI, that movie is a fave of mine so my making this comparison is a positive. 😀


Thanks, Jeff! Yes, I know the movie, and now that you mention it... quite a resemblance there and very scary indeed. Bad omen for Harry :o|