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Starting: 14 Nov 2021

In this series, a group of soldiers find shelter in an old abandoned building. Despite the creepy environment, the men find a way to get through the long and cold night.

Here you find some render tests of the main settings I have in mind for this series.

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Greg Hancock

Now this is going to be cool.


Thanks! Yes, do hope so. Settings are promising. Another Gothic winter story; dark house, cosy room with fireplace and lots of candles, music and booze...

Greg Hancock

Personally I love the room and the library behind. Needs dark Persian rug. Tapestry on the wall. Brass and silver. Crystal glasses and decanter. Dark drapes. And roaring fire. Yup. My kind of place.


Yes, that was probably the scene in its glorious past. Now it has been abandoned for years, after serving as a sanatorium or something like that... Ugly place to be at night :o|

Greg Hancock

Cobwebs ripped wallpaper tattered drapes and broken furniture. Hehehe. Yup. House for the Munsters.


Very British country house atmosphere. You show us stages of it coming to life. This sparks pleasant reminicences of previous stories. But you never know where your stories lead. Sometimes it's like going through the backwall of a wardrobe...

Stuart Woodward

The perfect place, to take refuge and find your own way to have some fun 😋


Yes, very British indeed and developing these settings is always the most enjoyable part of a project. Could do that forever, but a story must be told as well. Wherever that may go... ;o)


Yes, something like that and probably the same neighbourhood of the Addams Family


Ooo will there be a ghostly vibe like the man in white?


I love it, the characters are as desirable as a ripe peach, I'd lick their butts and their tails like a sweet apple. Thank you, oh and could there be some who are completely hairless?


Thanks, Joel, glad you like them. Bit late to add a hairless one, for I've completed the series, but I'll keep that in mind ;o)