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Outpost is a story about a secret meeting between two quite different lovers. One is a renegade soldier from Earth, the other a starfighter pilot from a distant planet. In the dystopian world of this series, such a close encounter between two species is a capital crime. Therefore, the only safe place to meet is in a rundown outpost at the end of the world, in the middle of a scorching hot desert. But even here they are not safe from the dangers of a hostile world.

NOTE: You can download a PDF version of this WorkDoc at the bottom of this post. This was made by Andrea, and you can find a complete version of his beautiful project on the Priapus Encyclopedia page.

The Characters

Contrary to most of my other projects, I have made little adjustments to the models for this series. Except for the interior of the Outpost, the settings and characters remained mostly in their original shape.

The main character of the story is a figure called Dain, a model recently introduced by DAZ and described by its creators as the new Genesis 8 man with “brawny features and corn-fed Midwestern good nature, but with his military training, he's always sure to complete the mission. Dain is humble, hard-working, and dependable.” Well, I guess we have seen all that, and much more…

His alien partner in crime is based on a model called Ozias, “A galactic male humanoid designed to spice up your Sci-Fi imperial or combat storytelling. This fantasy character features unique head and body morphs sculpted in high definition, detailed skin textures and stunning eyes colours variations.”

Contrary to Dain, the observant viewer may have noticed that I have made several very subtle alterations to this character. He has become more athletic, and he changed colour from green to greyish blue, which fits much better in the rundown environment of the Outpost.

Ozias is exceptionally well-endowed and by the size of his male member one can guess that this alien species must go very deep to procreate, or that they have a very long history of social distancing on their planet. Anyway, both characters make an odd couple and, although it is probably not their first time, they are clearly still figuring out how to consummate their love.

No romantic tale is complete without some conflict or tension, and the disrupting element in this story is provided by the Carnomolochs (Flesh-Eating Demons), the brutal lizard-human hybrids. These creepy desert creatures suddenly appear out of nowhere, right at the very moment the copulating couple is reaching a climax. It is a nasty looking gang of local thugs, and their intentions are definitively not good. I imagine they are a pack of scavengers or hunters, roaming the desert for booty or prey. I’m sure they would get a handsome reward for capturing the secretive pair in flagrante delicto.

Your feedback on both main characters was surprisingly positive, especially the big blue one turned out to be one of your favourites. Although I had several requests for an animated version, I’m afraid I’ll have to leave that for another time. There is only so much one can do during a project, with preparations for a new series on the way and another animation in progress at the same time. However, I am these that these two characters will – in one way or another - return in a new adventure sometime soon.

The Settings

The central stage for this adventure is the Sci-Fi Abandoned Outpost. This post-apocalyptic remnant of a galactic war lies in the middle of nowhere, lost in a desert, surrounded by the massive remains of spaceship wreckage. “With highly detailed textures and a cinematic atmosphere, the model of the outpost is a perfect setting for a horror environment, an action scene, or a heroic story.” I guess a clandestine intergalactic romantic affair could be added as well.

The interior is a self-made rundown scientific or military base, which I compiled from a model called Sci-fi Corridor 2013 (also used in Gravity), with the addition of several smaller sci-fi and rundown objects from several other models. The idea was to create a gloomy and desolate interior that matches the exterior of the Outpost building, with plenty of dark corners where the couple could seek shelter.

Some test renders

Similar themes in earlier works

These two Photoshop compilations are part of a series called A Brave New World that I did some ten years ago. It was one of my first post on my blog and already contains several elements that I would use later in my 3D stories. You can find the complete series here on my Priapus Blog.

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Greg Hancock

Very cool. Def like the story behind our new couple. Dain is def a sexy mid western hunk. And as for his blue friend. Wow. Then there is the two hunks in the last two pics posted. Damn they nice too. Hope your able to work them in someplace sometime. Hehehe. Thanks again David for some incredible work.

Thomas Polk

So can you give us some info on the two pics from previous work? Both look exciting.


Thanks Greg! My pleasure and glad you like them :o) Yes, compiled those two in Photoshop many years back, some of my earliest works, based on similar ideas.

Greg Hancock

Lol. Got to love Photoshop. Lol. Can you still use them or they not up to snuff? Def like that sexy dark haired guy in the first pic. Lol. See he and his alien friend tied with tubes too. Lol.


Not sure what to add, but I did those two Photoshop compilations some 10 years back, one of my earlier works before switching to 3D. Same themes in a different format.


The guy is an actual picture, no idea who that is, but a very low resolution, not a 3D model. So I could only use him in this position. Would be a very boring series ;o)

Greg Hancock

That will do it. And yes. Frozen in one position like that never good. Lol. Then again I still love that hunk in the temple series when he visits and the tentacle and god bless him. Lol.


No, not good, but very easy to use. Just copy & paste into a new picture. And yes, that one also a compilation of low res pictures. I think it's some German model...

Greg Hancock

Who ever he is he def a good looking man and you def gave him a blessing from the gods. Lol. You have def found some very good looking models for your art work. Creative and def imaginative compilation of ideas.


Love the characters out of this world


Thanks! Good to hear and I definitely have to use them again for another adventure! :o)

Michael Roberts

Do you have to pay a recurring fee to use the characters supplied in Daz or are they yours to do what ever with? I may have asked this question before but are they supplied naked with genitals or is that something that you have to add yourself. Fortunately for us, you are able to make them any size you wish or as large as you think your patrons would like them to be!


When you purchase a model it comes with a General Licence that covers the use in 2D images or videos, for personal or commercial use. It's different when you use it for 3D printing or game development. Most models come with gents, but they clearly don't have high priority in their development, so the quality varies.

John Wu

Amazing storyline, your illustrations are beautiful, it is like watching a 3D movie. I hope you will cont. More of the stories on his journey 🙂


Thanks, John, much appreciated and yes, I'm sure his adventure will continue :o)

Wongfoo 2003

Looking throught the WorkDocs i was surprised by the potrait of Dain in the photo of the Characters. I noticed a recemblance to a German model/actor. But decide yourself. https://www.instagram.com/lauritz_hofmann/


Yes, you're right. There's a strong resemblance. The original is by a German company, so I would not be surprised if the actor stood as a model for the character ;o)


Damn! Very hot graphic novel. You have such a great way of presenting sexual tension that makes all of your stories so hot. The two of them are amazing together. Between the tongue and the cock of the Grey guy. Fuck! Not to mention the passion between them.


Thanks! Yes, the combination of those two worked out very well and they're definitively in the loop for a spin-off. There simply has to be a part 2, with animated scenes if possibe :o)


Dang! I wanna see this animated. :-)