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Completed: 31 May 2020  

During the gladiatorial games in ancient Rome, a spoiled young emperor is tamed by one of the most formidable fighters of those days, the Barbarian. This massive gladiator is not only famous for his strength and agility in battle, but also for being exceptionally well-endowed. 

We start the series whit the unexpected visit of an official of the imperial court at the gladiatorial school. In the Add-Ons section of this project, you can find out how the hunky hero became horse hung. 

  • You can find the series as a Graphic Novel in PDF format here as well. You can download high-resolution files for printing at the bottom of this post.

NOTE: there is an attachment with 2 zip-files at the bottom of this post where you can download the entire series.   

Later that day...

And so it was that the spoiled and ill-mannered little brat became the perfect prince, inaugurating a new golden age of peace and prosperity throughout the empire. Later generations lauded him for his virtue, justice, and decency. And he was eternally praised for his wise rule and sanctified for his well-known humbleness, piety and  above all his  exemplary chastely.

How little did the outside world knew that, behind the marble facade of the place, the constant intervention of the Barbarian was needed to keep this glorious prince in check… 

And no one ever suspected that the little rascal always did it on purpose, just to receive his massive punishment... 

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the real Reward seems not yet updated yet :D maybe those peeking guys will join in and donate their Efforts into it :D


Thanks again Priapus for another great episode. I can’t wait to see where the story will lead to. The arrival of the other gladiators at THAT MOMENT was not something I had anticipated, but was very welcome. I am highly attracted to The Barbarian’s bddy (or rival) – the one who stripped him in the gladiatorial school Several mentions of the other characters have been made by other readers. I agree. Not only the other gladiator is handsome, but the slave leading them and one or two of the Praetorians. Well done and congratulations on what you are achieving.


You'r probably right, I think it's going to be a joined effort to bring some education and teach the mischievous prince some manners.


Thanks Philip, my pleasure! I guess all these other characters deserved a bit more development, so it was the right time to call them beck to the center stage ;o)


shall hero’s second time of cum fulfilled spoiled boy’s stomach …


OMG the facial expressions on the two clothed guards made me spew my coffee!


I love this! Teaching the spoiled royalty a lesson. I especially like the hero being edged to cum by two other guys at the same time being admired by the others! Hot!


Thanks Gray! Yes, the Barbarian clearly needed a helping hands and some admirers to reach that point ;o)


It would be a shame to leave these poor guardians on their hunger. Our young Caesar seems perfect to satisfy them…


Thanks so much for your beautiful work and great storyline!


I guess he can satisfy a whole army, but the series has to end somewhere... ;o)


I'm sure something can be arranged, but it will take a while... ;o)

Chris Master

a perfect end - or future - for a spoiled prince :-) Surely there is still a lot of "work" to be done on the barbarians


Thank you, Priapus. For the magnificent, richly rendered images and more complex content of this opus. I am a new patron, and so glad for it.


Really want to see the older men nude...not just the perfect young ones...

Blake Richards

I'm a new patron as well and would love to see the older men nude as well but believe me I'm not complaining!... :)


Thanks Blace, Welcome and who knows, perhaps a next time. I'm sure the guy will pop up in a new adventure again one day :o)