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The Inner Sanctum – Chapter 6 

Completed: 22 September 2019

In chapter 4 of the Inner Sanctum, we saw how Harry passed the final tests in the Antechamber. In this chapter, his epic journey comes to an end when he finally reaches the Inner Core of The Temple.

 NOTE: there is an attachment with a zip-file at the bottom of this post where you can download the series.  

The End

Links to Inner Sanctum chapters: 

1 - The Corridor of Passions and  2 - The Minotaur

3 - Revelations 

4 - The Antechamber

5  - Metamorphose

6 - The Inner Core

The Inner Sanctum - Graphic Novel 

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Yes, somehow it sounds familiar ;o)


ohh!!?? This is the end of it???!!! It can't be...! I like the sperm fertilizing the egg bit but the ending seem a bit sudden!


Hi Nathan, I'm afraid it's indeed the end. Of course I could go on for ages, but after nearly 2 months working full time on this series, with more than 145 images, I'm afraid it has to end somewhere. But don't worry, I'm sure Harry will return one day ;o)


Oh David you've done it again - what a superb end to a fabulous series of renders and a story line that holds the imagination. Sorry to see the end but no doubt you have more in store for the coming weeks and months. Harry may or not appear for some time but I think you can rest assured that he won't be forgotten and his new adventures much awaited and enjoyed. Many, many thanks.


almost forget Harry drives here to explore, it would be like a dream for Harry and also myself, lol. Have a good rest, we will meet you in some new adventures.

Greg Hancock

This was a great way to end this story line. Leaves open with the alien ship leaving and our hero returning to continue his life. But a hint that the aliens are not finished yet. Leaves many options open for something down the road later... if ever. Harry still a hunk. And ready for whole new adventures. Beautiful job David. You do not disappoint. Thank you.

Ian Johari Monteiro

Awww! Harry became slimmer again ... 😢 but if one of those egg pods produces Harry clones, I’d like one please!


Thanks Stephen, that's great to hear and glad you liked it. Rest assured, Harry will be back and he still has an animation to finish, so no holidays for him :o)


Thanks Tan, yes, Harry needs a rest, after finishing the animation, of course. But I'm sure he'll appear somewhere and probably sooner than on might think ;o)


Yes, he's still a young hunk with a whole future lying ahead of him. I'm sure it's going to be a bumpy ride, so fasten your seat belts... ;o)


Yes, Harry is back to his younger self, so he still has a long way to go (in the gym). I should probably start marketing those eggs for next Easter ;o)


Squeal.. 15 years the aliens come back for child support...


Poor Harry, that will cost him a fortune ... I wonder what the first meeting would look like ;o)

Danny York

David, I am a avid admirer and fan to all the stories you have created. This entire storyline of Harry from it's very beginning to the latest piece has been the wildest and most bizarre rollercoaster ride. I have certainly loved every piece. Though each story creations has been " aaahhhh" … slightly on the weird side of things. But the whole storyline conception and it's execution is an amazing work of art. I definitely applaud you and your talent. It was nice to see that though this particular story has ended... Harry is not yet finished.


Thanks Danny, that's very kind of you and much appreciated! Yes the whole project has been something of a weird journey, but I guess one has to be a bit of a weirdo to create this kind of work ;o)

Greg Hancock

I enjoyed it and those tentacles have been a wet dream of mine for years so am glad others thought of them and that David was able to put them into his art and create them for us. Have so enjoyed looking at ALL of Davids work and seeing a few links here and there, with Harry and with the tentacles. If go snooping can find them in couple of his other works. Truly amazing and love it ALL.


Next sequel.... fertilized eggs.... ahahha


Well, I guess you can find out all about in The Temple and Ad Fundum series and 7th Circle animation. ;o) You can find these on my Priapus Blog: https://thepriapusofmilet2.blogspot.com


oh my God! now i understand.... Daddy Harry had sexual adventures with his children ahahahah... so witty and nasty of you David! congrats on your great work! can we expect more of Harry?


When will the animation be? 😊


Well, not sure if this will be animated as well, but who knows... ;o)


Yes, now that you mention it, it's indeed a bit weird. It give a whole new insight into the daddy issue ;o) Yes, definitely, Harry will be back!....


Please make an animation of this final chapter...it’s going to be awesome...


The penis docking with the penis snake at least should be animated.


Brilliant brilliant brilliant!!! I love all that Harry is put through here, right down to his redressing and leaving - almost as himself. I hope you will finds ways to continue Harry's erotic adventures at some time in the future! :) Incidentally and idea I've never been able to use in my erotic writing but which might be of use to you is this. Aliens ( as in this story) have a cream or ointment which they can smear on a man's erogenous zones. It makes the head of a man's cocck, his hole, his nipples - any part of him - 500% more sensitive than normal. A man can literally be tortured with pleasure. Thanks again - you are an amzing man!!!


Hello Phillip, thanks for your many elaborate comments! That’s really very kind of you, and all those compliments are a delight to receive, so please continue! ;o) Harry will definitely return in a new series, probably in an new cycle of adventures starting by the end of the year. Still thinking about themes, plots and scenarios, and perhaps your ointment my come in handy :o)