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The Inner Sanctum - Chapter 6 (3:37 min)

The idea for this part of the project is to start with an animated version of The Temple. I have had many requests for this and although I’m not going to make an exact copy of the original series, I’m sure many of you will be pleased to see how this will work out for our read-headed hero. 

But before Harry is able to enter the desired sanctuary, he has to pass the main gate and slay its monstrous guard in this short prologue. 

NOTE: there is an attachment with a zip-file at the bottom of this post where you can download the series.  


NOTE: You can download the complete series at the bottom of this post.

End of Prologue


Links to Inner Sanctum chapters: 

1 - The Corridor of Passions and  2 - The Minotaur

3 - Revelations 

4 - The Antechamber

5  - Metamorphose

6 - The Inner Core

The Inner Sanctum - Graphic Novel 

Back to Home page or Index Page 





That was sad. Harry comes across the last T-Rex in known existence and in true British fashion, kills it and makes the species extinct. That's not heroic, nor hedonistic but just plain heartless.


Hello Kat, Yes, sorry about that. But perhaps the guard is just an evil spirit in the form of an extinct animal. Could have been anything. A rabbit or a giant carrot. But please keep in mind that No animals were harmed in the making of this film ;o)


My only question is. Why would he leave behind his only weapon?


Hi only weapon?! He always carries his main weapon with him. No need for an extra sword ;o)


Hi David - good to see you back from your holiday and this latest set of renders, wall paper and animation. Are you sure you took a holiday? This update is incredible and makes me suspect that you wanted time to create them and get them perfected. I have followed Harry's adventures for some time and he really is the man of fantasy - especially mine. The animation is the best I have seen you produce in this series and the encounter with the 'automons' so detailed and amazing. I will be sad to see the end of the series - but look forward to seeing future work. You cannot imagine how much I look forward to your updates and the start of new projects. Thank you so much for all that you do and produce - never has money been spent so well. I've said it before and say it again - you are a real artist and from the comments I have read from others, your work is greatly admired and appreciated.


Thanks Stephen! My pleasure and much appreciated. To be honest, I did quite some work during the holidays. The weather wasn't very good during most of the time, so I was lucky to have my laptop and project files with me ;o)

Danny York

David this is really an awesome piece you created. You keep getting better and better with the animation. Sorry that the weather wasn't that great during your time out... but for what it worth, this is one fan that missed seeing your weekly posting. Looking forward to seeing how this all plays out.

Greg Hancock

WOW David love the animation and that little pose of Harry's before he attacks is really cute, hahaha Over all is fantastic and def glad you took your time enjoyed your holiday and did something you enjoy while the weather wasn't that great. Thanks for giving us such a super hero and a great world to escape too.


Thanks Danny! Yes, it looks much better and I guess I'm finally getting the hang of it. Practice during dreary summers certainly helps ;o)


My pleasure Greg. I had that animated T-Rex filed for a long time and always wanted to use it for something. So, a dreary summer holiday is perfect for that :o)


i had to slightly laugh at kat's comment at the true british fashion cause I live in london and i agree to this hahaaa!!


Fierce battle scene! Kinda was hoping harry would get a hard on somehow through out the scene, especially at his last battle roar... I wonder what will lie ahead for him here! what devious tortures....!!!!


I guess there's plenty to be excited about ounce inside the temple :o)


I was waiting for Harry to hump the dinosaur. He humps everything else!


Well, that would be a challenge! No idea how those creatures humped 65 a million year back ;o)