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Terry Amthor

I am having trouble navigating your site; all i get are discussions, how to I get directly to your art?


The discussions are at the bottom of each post and the Wallpaper section contains only one image


Wow. Very dramatic. A naked warrior like the ancient Greeks but updated to a future. Excellent body.


Thanks! Yes, it had indeed something of a classic warrior, or one of those Japanese fighters with mount Fuji erupting...


Yes WOW, this is a stunning image, lovingly made and perhaps this should have been in a Star Wars film, his muscle tone is just right, reminds me of a Phicen Male figure


Thanks! Never knew they were called that, and that they are so expensive! A bit weird as well, so definitively have to do a story about similar figures as well ;o)


You are welcome, I have Purchased from, onesithkit.com he has free worldwide shipping and they work out cheaper than other sites, search TBLeague and you will see Phicen Male Figures, I have the M33 and M34 they look amazing, I can animate them into so many poses and the genitals that come with them all look great. A series with the figures here will me amazing, I will look forward to seeing them. One suggestion would be an old favourite of mine, how about a take on Robinson Crusoe, nicely dressed man from the 1800’s who’s ship crashes and he is washed up on a desert island, as the heat gets to him his clothes slowly come off to reveal his firm naked muscular body, what would any male survivors do with him and what about any natives that visit this deserted island, the imagination could go anywhere, take care


Thanks! I had a quick look an the characters and the characters look amazingly realistic. Very impressive indeed and could serve well for an alternative Toy Bot story. And yes, Robinson Crusoe has crossed my mind as well and is certainly on my list. Would love to do a story with a large sailing vessel and indeed, washing up on an island that turns to be something of a paradise. A place he doesn't want to be saved from in the end ;o)


You are welcome, the figures make very interesting moves and poses, they do look and feel amazing. Glad you have also thought of a Robinson idea, so many ideas for you to do, your art work is amazing take care


Thanks! Yes, in this series it all was all about poses in action, and yes, too many ideas and progress, while progress is always so slow.... I would need a whole studio to do all that I have on my list ;o)