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NOTE: You can download a PDF version of this WorkDoc at the bottom of this post. This was made by Andrea, and you can find a complete version of his beautiful project on the Priapus Encyclopedia page.

The Central Bank

While completing the current series - and before returning to one of my long-running projects - I started working on the settings for a new short adventure. I always wanted to do something with two 3D models I have had for a long time. One is called Bank Vault by an artist called Polish, the other is Deco Lobby by Jack Tomalin. Combining these into one large Central Bank scene creates the perfect settings for an old fashion robber and cop adventure. 

Below I have added the first test renders of these settings. While continuing to make a further (and endless) adjustment, I started developing the characters, so in a few days, these lads are good to go as well. 

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Bondage yes!


What is the thief after? I mean apart from the guard? ;D Maybe there is a stash of Youth Fountain water in there? :>


Well, you never know what these central banks hold in their vaults nowadays ;o)