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Hey there!

Thanks to your support we have hired a writer to help us with our Story Mode, Leigh! 

It took a while to find the perfect fit for our project and figure out the best way to go about this, and I'm glad to say we're finally here.

✏️ Writing Pipeline ✏️

For those interested in a deeper dive into our game design process, I'll describe briefly the solution we found to best include a writer in our pipeline while giving them a wide creative freedom, without burdening them with unrelated challenges like the game design aspects of Story Mode. 


  • Our writer is creating a brief description of 10 chapters for each of our 5 existing characters, adding sex cues to some of them based on the pacing of the relationship development throughout the story. While doing this, they're free to come up with new locations and support characters, because we want the Story to be as rich as possible!
  • We'll then figure out how progress should flow from chapter to the next. We have a skill system we want to implement, accompanied by minigames to farm upgrades, plus money, relationship levels and items.
  • The writer will then turn each chapter into a dialogue, while we do the new art for the characters and locations!

We already have 10 chapters outlined for Keiko, Ako and Momo, so if you don't mind some light spoilers we'd like to share a bit of what some of those outlines look like!

Keiko's First Two Chapters Outlines

Locations: Campus
Minor Characters: Leader Frat Boy, English Professor
Three fraternity boys trip you on the way to English 100. Keiko intervenes, berating them and shoving the biggest one away. They scatter, vowing payback. As Keiko recognizes you, an upset professor demands to speak with her. Nervous, she leaves.
Chapter 1
Locations: Campus
You and Keiko run into each other. Keiko explains that she’s juggling school, work, and her elderly grandmother. But she was dropped from English for shoving that bully, and switching to the night class screws up her busy schedule. You vow to talk to the professor, and offer your notes to Keiko so she doesn’t fall behind. She agrees to a study “date” before running to class.
Chapter 2
Locations: Keiko’s Apartment, Late Night Diner
You and Keiko catch up while studying. Keiko admits she’s so busy that she has zero time for herself. You offer to help with her responsibilities, but only if you can take her out for dinner, your treat. Keiko tears up – she’s missed you, but feels guilty for losing contact with you. You reassure her: “we can start over”, to which she smiles. You and Keiko head out to a local diner, and she holds your hand so she doesn’t panic while out in public.

Ako's First Two Chapters Outlines

Chapter 1
Locations: Park
You’re exploring the park when a strange figure grabs you and knocks you out. You wake up behind a large grove of bushes, and Ako the succubus is preparing to suck your soul. You question her motives (including why she’s homeless, and why she’s eating ramen cups without any water) and eventually she gives up and frees you. You point out that taking souls is wrong, and that she could just ask people to sleep with her. She gets frustrated with your mortal logic and makes you leave.
Chapter 2 (Sex #1)
Locations: Campus Parking Lot, Player’s Apartment
Leaving class, you catch Ako picking out uneaten food from a garbage bin. You swat away the food and ask what she’s doing, but you notice Ako is tired. She’s not fed on souls in nearly thirty days, and ran out of ramen. You offer to feed her actual food. She comes home with you, showers, and tries ramen (cooked correctly) for the first time. As part of the transaction, she provides you sex. When you finish, Ako notes that she actually feels full – she’ll need time to process this. She leaves, stealing the rest of your ramen.

👑 WAIFU WARS Finals 👑

Our Finals are here!

Dehya x Shantae

Hop on our Discord and vote on your favorite, the winner will be added to the game for Oct 19!

(Voting ends tomorrow)

Thanks for joining us today, talk to you soon!




Dialogue is completely broken on mobile, I can't get the regular or custom to work


Sorry to hear that, thanks for letting us know, we'll look into that issue right away.