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Hi everyone!

We had an idea this week that hopefully will be fun for everyone. After studying a bit how players most commonly use the game we came up with an interesting plan for the next update:

👩‍🎨 New Character Presets 👩‍🎨

In the next update we'll be adding a few new character presets based on some popular choices we've seen floating around online. This should help new players get a better few of all our customization capabilities as well as provide a shortcut for a lot of new and fun alternatives.

It will make more sense once the update is up and running, but suffice to say we'll be parodying some cool characters that hopefully will bear enough resemblance for it to increase everybody's enjoyment!

🏢 Two New Chapters 🏤

Two new chapters are coming up, introducing new characters to the story! We're also using these first chapters as an opportunity to give a first glance at new city locations, so once navigation is implemented players will have an easier time remembering what each place refers to.

🤠 New Pose: Cowgirl 🤠

Most of the structure for the new pose is now in place, with visual tweaks to be done in the coming days. We have some hope it'll be ready for v0.5.2, but if we can't test it fully until then we'll make it perfect for v0.5.3!

Thanks for joining us today! Talk to you soon,


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