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Hi everyone!

It's here, a first look at our Main Story! It's a showcase of the systems we've created to turn our narrative into a reality, so please try it out and let us know what you think.

Now that this Intro Chapter is done we'll have an easier time putting out future content and developing new characters, so please look forward to it! This will be done along with our regular sex scene improvements updates, so that you'll always get to enjoy both ✨

The files for this release can be found in the attachments of this post, and the Android .apk can be downloaded through Google Drive in the link below.


Here is our release, below is a list of what's new:

From v0.4.9
New Features

- Story Intro!
- Added black borders for ultra wide screens in main menu
- Data structure for the cinematics

Tweaks and Bug Fixes

- Pass out for longer based on performance duration
- Shortcut to switch hands to free
- Uke now doesn't pass out at the mouth entrance

Thank you so much for your support, and we hope you all enjoy this update! 🍑

Talk to you all soon,



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