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Hi, hope you're having a great day!

Since our last release on the 5th we've started setting up all the tools we'll need for Story. As mentioned in previous posts, Story will have visual novel mechanics where players will be able to romance different characters and even hookup with randos via dating apps. So since we've been outlining the features for a while now, we wanted to share some extra details with you all today!

🏨 🏪 🏫 🏩  City Map 🏢 🏬 🏣 🏤

Here's the city where Lust's Cupid will take place. We discussed other options regarding what the city map should look like, the alternative being a more descriptive map showing roads, blocks and specific buildings for each location, but we decided to go with a more scenic option, because for us it gives better support to the world we wanted the story to inhabit, while hopefully helping make the experience more imersive as well.

📍 Initial Locations 📍

We've landed on a shortlist of the initial areas available to the player for the story:

  • University - The University the player will be attending throughout the story;
  • Home - Player's home. Further down the line this can be a hub for different minigames and features we may add to the main game;
  • Bunny Club - A night club with hosts/hostesses that can show you a good time.
  • Park - A green area where we plan to first implement our dating app idea.
  • Beach? - Initially as an area for special events.
  • Cafe - A meeting place for the player and different characters where a lot of interesting encounters can happen.

As a visual novel, players will be able to visit these places and have the opportunity to interact with story characters, provided they have met the necessary requirements for each step of any given NPC's route.

📱 Phone 📱

You might have noticed we also included a cellphone icon at the bottom right of the screen. As you progress through the story and improve your relationship with different characters, you'll inevitably get into sex scenes with them. These encounters will be special points in the story itself, but we also wanted to give players the ability to revisit these moments, allowing them to enjoy their favorite characters freely.

The way we see it, the phone will be a shortcut to reach out to characters you've already met and had a sexual encounter with, allowing you to meet them again and use it to improve your relationship level, and in many ways progress the story. As mentioned before, the phone will also be where the dating app can be found, which will allow you to hook up with random characters, and save your favorite ones as a contact to meet them again as much as you want.

🌎 So! 🌎

This is it, I ended up writting a lot about the game design aspect of what we're currently working on, so please let us know what you think about these plans so far. We're big fans of the genre (adult visual novels) and wanted to bring the best it has to offer to Lust's Cupid, so these are all features we thought would be cool to play around with. I know many of you love games like these too, so feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions so we can make the most out of this, and have a lot of fun while doing it!

Thanks for joining us this week, talk to you soon!



That sounds amazing! A story based game with cumflation would be incredible!

Akari Tada

This sounds amazing.