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Hi, hope you're doing great!

We spent most of last week bug fixing our latest compile, most of the work from last week is the build itself. So I thought it would be interesting to highlight some of the new features in case people haven't tried them yet!

🥨 Knotting 🥨

This is a long requested feature that we were very happy to finally have the time to implement. We did some research for this but since we don't have a deep understanding of how this is usually depicted I expect we might need to revise it's interaction based on feedback from folks who know it better, but as it is I personally think it's pretty fun.

In the current behavior, dog penises will pull the uke during cumshot, actively "knotting" them down during climax, as these are known to do in the wild apparently. It's an interesting result regardless, this is something I would instinctively do with regular penises during my play sessions, because throatpies are always cool to see 🥧, so it's fun to have it automated here.

💧 Tears 💧

As you can see above, we've also added tear particles for the uke. They're currently triggered based on how deep down the character has gone, mimicking a gagging reaction. We got some feedback mentioning that the current implementation makes them hard to trigger and we're looking into it.

This is also related to tears, we ended up not being able to implement our ruined makeup feature. The art is ready as you can see in the image below, but we had some trouble handling the tear recoloring and "ruined sprite" dimming feature, as we were already cutting really tight on schedule.

The intended behavior is that, if you have the ruined makeup option toggled in your gameplay menu, tears from the character will slowly mess up their eyeliner, coloring the tears black and resulting in a messy mascara. This implementation should be out for the 4th, so please look forward to it!

🐇‍ So! 🐇

As always feel free to message us if there is anything you would like to see added to Lust's Cupid, and we are always open to hear your opinions about the game as well.

Thanks for joining us this week, talk to you soon!


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