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Hi everyone!

Here is our release, below is a list of what's new:

The files can be found in the attachments of this post, and the Android .apk can be downloaded through Google Drive in the link below.


From v0.4.2
New Features

- Tongue and tongue piercing options
- Eye scale and position tweaks
- New hairstyles
- Male nipples
- New settings window with keybinding

From v0.4.1
New Features

- Doggystyle xray inflation and filling particles
- Cow characters and assets
- Gloves
- Nipple piercing
- Bald/none hairstyle options
- Vagina lips customization with working enlargement

Thank you so much for your support, and we hope you all enjoy this update! 🍑

Talk to you all soon,




Thank you so much!! I have had one issue however running the android version. I have been unable to save any customized characters for many of the latest releases. Is this not supported in the android version or is it a bug on my end? Thank you


Here are some ideas i've had. Feel free to tell me if they've been suggested before: Pregnancy Mod (fetus vsble in womb during sex) Eggflation (tentacles etc, depositing eggs and sperm to inflate the model) Birth from sideview and lastly... Slimeflation thank you this took me some confidence to comment!


We've been having some trouble adapting character saves for Android, but we're looking for a solution! Thanks for letting us know


Thanks for sharing these, we're always glad to get new suggestions! Pregnancy sounds a bit hard to pull off with the current structure, but egg/slimeflation and tentacle related things could really add to the game, thanks for bringing those up!


I'm opening up the game and it says made with unity then just a gray screen


Sorry to hear that, are you getting the issue on mobile? Can you tell us what model you're using?

Andreas Mosegaard Lynderup

Seme's and Uke's back hair seem rather unstable. For me, at least, it keeps drifting down from the head or curling into a weird mess.