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Hi, happy weekend everyone!

We have our poll results in, and the winner is. . .

Tongue Customization + Animations!

We plan on adding a few tongue options like pierced, forked and thin tipped, as well as new animations, like having it show better during orgasm and improve the current tip licking animation.

In the past we were really limited in our tongue uses due to the character's head structure and old masking setup, but we've come a long way since than and this will be a great oportunity to finally revisit this very important (and sexy) element of our characters!

Here are some early sketches of the tongue designs we're working with, let us know if there's any other you think would be good for the game as well!

‍🔧 Settings Revamp ‍🔧

One of our biggest goals for the 16th is updating our settings window and having it be more convenient for players and for us as well, with enough room to expand and add more game tweaks as time goes on. The current layout barely holds the limited options we have, and we really felt it needed an upgrade in a big way.

This will allow us to add important settings like Dialogue tweaks. Currently to turn it off you need to have a "none" personality set for your character, which feels more like a work-around than an actual setting, so having it in it's proper section should give it a more polished feeling overall. On the same note, we've added the option to have either seme, uke or both characters speaking during interaction, so this menu should make what's happening clearer, giving players a better way to control what's going on.

Another honorable mention is the key-binding tab, which initially will contain the currently existing hotkeys, but as the list expands we plan on making them customizable for your convenience. As we started implementing keyboard shortcuts it was very clear how simpler it made some aspects of gameplay, so we expect to see some good quality of life from this!

👒 So! 👒

As always feel free to message us if there is anything you would like to see added to Lust's Cupid, and we are always open to hear your opinions about the game as well.

Thanks for joining us this week, talk to you soon!