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Hello friends, hope you're doing great!

First off I want to welcome all our new members! The community has doubled in size since our first release and it's great to see that there is interest in the game, it really opens up some amazing possibilities for the future with more features, customization and more. We will put together a roadmap with the things we plan to add to the game in the coming months so you can see what we have in store!

As for this week, these feature posts are always the most exciting ones to do, because it means we get the opportunity to show yall the results of our labor, so let's get this going!

🍑 Color customization 🍑

On the next release you will be able to change the hair color of your character! This will be available for our current two hair models, and soon will be extended to skin tone. The base system was a bit tricky to set up since we didn't want to just add a flat color on top of our sprites, but have the ability to tint the shadows and highlights towards different tones to make they look more interesting and natural. So now that the coloring system is working it can be used for everything else, we are even using it for the UI in certain places 👩‍🏭

🍑 Advance Throat Mechanics 🍑

In our last post we asked what feature suggested by the community you all wanted to see implemented in this next release, and Advance Throat Mechanics won with some margin!

So here you can see what you are getting with the improved throat feature:

  • Resistance: How hard it is to push it in. Gets easier the longer you do it.
  • Lock Resistance: Locks resistance at a certain value.
  • Throat Bulge: Activates/deactivates the bulge.
  • Bulge Distention: How much the neck inflates due to insertion.
  • X-Ray Filter: Activates/deactivates x-ray effect.
  • X-Ray Strength: How transparent the x-ray effect is.

And we have improved our throat bulge and x-ray with a collision system which honestly, was another Pinou miracle. You can see the result below:

🍑 That's it for this week!
Hope you are all as excited as we are with the new features, and please feel free to share your thoughts!



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