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Community Feature Poll

  • Scaly Lizard Body 88
  • Tan Lines 188
  • Auto-Pilot Knotting 299
  • Fat Body Types 153
  • 2024-06-16
  • 728 votes
{'title': 'Community Feature Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Scaly Lizard Body', 'votes': 88}, {'text': 'Tan Lines', 'votes': 188}, {'text': 'Auto-Pilot Knotting', 'votes': 299}, {'text': 'Fat Body Types', 'votes': 153}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 16, 1, 21, 27, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 728}


Hey there!

Here comes our next Community Feature Vote! 

For the next month our options are:

- Scaly Lizard Body
- Tan Lines
- Auto-Pilot Knotting
- Fat Body Types

Scaly lizard body - A body type full of scales and texture for your lizard characters.
Tan lines -
Markings on skin for bikinis, swimsuits and clothes.
Auto-Pilot Knotting - Add knotting to auto-pilot.
Fat Body Types - Heavier body presets.

Make sure to cast your vote on your favorite, and the winner will be added to our April 4 release. Let's see which one comes out on top!

Thanks for joining us today, talk to you soon!



Would the fat body presets be the entire body or could you toggle which regions you'd prefer to be fat and which ones you'd prefer to stay skinny? i.e. fat lower body yet skinny upper body


Tan lines is often in second place but never wins the poll. You should consider adding it anyways.