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Hey hi folks! Quick, belated update because I ended up having to take a forced break due to exhaustion. Whoops. That said, some big milestones:

Chapter XXIII of Her Majesty The Prince is in final revision and is a whopping 10k words, just a few hundred shorter than Feline Therapy. Knock on wood, but it's probably going to be the longest chapter in the book! I'm trying to stick to the average of ~5,000 words otherwise. Stay tuned for it real soon!

Also, Cat Wishes Stories is finally off to the print shop!! I managed to finally get past the mental block that had held that project in stasis for months. I'll be posting updates as soon as I have some pictures to share.

That's it for now; thanks as always for your support! Y'all keep me going. Let's keep making wonderful things together!💙


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