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Hey hi folks! Just a quick update this time to let you know I'll be delaying the next update of Her Majesty The Prince a tiny bit because...

~Act I is complete~

...and that means while I'm writing part 14, I'm also planning out Act II and the remaining half(ish portion) of the story. I'll do my best to share a few interesting HMTP-related things in the meantime. ^^

(Also my birthday is coming up and my wife is in town so I think it's a really good time to take like, a week off or something to help me recharge and work out the major plot stuff in the back of my mind. Also I need to catch up on some sleep because I have been keeping ridiculous hours writing this much this fast. =_=)

See you very soon for Act II!

And, as always, thank you so so much for your support. This story took me completely by surprise and has blossomed into something that matters so much to me, and it's all thanks to your help. Let's keep making wonderful things together!💙



Take the week off for birthday wife smooches! You deserve it!