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Hey hi folks! That story just won't stop, will it? I thought I was more than halfway done last update, but Her Majesty The Prince keeps getting bigger than me and my beta readers expect—but it'll result in such a better book in the end that I gotta keep going.

I'm going to do my best to shift it from "24/7 hyperfixation" territory into a more sustainable place so I can keep working on my other projects on the side. I was fine with a 2-3 week pause, but since the finish line keeps getting away from me, I'm going to readjust to make sure I can juggle everything appropriately.

If you've been enjoying Her Majesty The Prince, then I'm glad! :D Reading your comments has really made my day. <3 I'm going to keep posting chapters as I write them, with a goal of about 1-2 a week. So keep your eyes peeled! Progress has not changed: I still believe I'm about halfway done. Haha.

(And if you haven't checked it out yet, there's never been a better time! I've filed the chapters under the "Her Majesty The Prince" tag; it's about a knight and a princess swapping places in JRPG fantasy France and all the hijinks that ensue.)

In the meantime, please keep taking care of you, and please accept my gratitude for the support you're giving me. It helps keep me housed and fed, and it helps keep me writing. ^^ Let's keep making wonderful things together!💙


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