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Hey hi folks! The crowdfunding campaign for Cat Wishes Stories' print run wrapped up in a great place and now I'm hard at work on the next steps. Currently that means a lot of work in Excel so I can gather up everyone's information and orders in a format that my fulfilment specialist Jen can then transfer to our shipping solution. I'll also be cleaning up the concepts for the new sticker sheet and bookmarks while I wait for the (soon to be sent) surveys to trickle in. Lots of work ahead! But thankfully, this is all work that needs to be done right now—I'm no longer putting stuff on Future Zandra's plate. Present Zandra's got it covered.

In other book news, I'm still gradually working on the Crowdfunded Life clean-up process; it's gonna take a while, but I'm hoping I can average a page a day. I'm doing my best to keep things fast and loose and sketchy; I really love how expressive and soft my sketch lines tend to be, and that's what I want this (extremely vulnerable) comic to be.

That's it for now—thank you so much again for your support! I'm stoked to share what's next once it's ready. Let's keep making wonderful things together!💙


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