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Hey hi folks! Here's my latest pic, showing Blue driving a 4x4 that just happens to be possessed by a demon. This took way too long for me to draw. >_< Still, for a 4-hour endeavor, I did learn a lot of tricks I can use again for other pieces, and that's very motivating. Also, some of the effects I wasn't sure how to pull off - like the portal Suzi's halfway out of (she's the demon) - turned out to be very quick to execute. All in all, I'm eager to do more pieces like this one! These characters are part of the cast I like to use in various works, and if all goes well I should be cooking something up with this particular story.

Here's the timelapse video link: https://t.co/DdnWwuKaqm

(Files have been deposited in the appropriate Dropbox folders.)

Thanks again for your wonderful support! ❤



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