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Hey hi folks! I hope you're doing well. The past two weeks have mostly consisted of me going back to work. It's been... unusually hard to do so? Still, I'm doing my best.

Work on Plant Lamp's print version is wrapping up soon, and by the end of next week I should be sending the final files over for printing! I'm really excited! In the meantime, I'm going around collecting the final surveys for the thank-you page and working on the illustrations for Therapy Catgirl Tabbi, my next short story.

I also got to do something I've been dreaming about for a few years now: be on the commentary couch for GDQ! :D Go check out the AGDQ 2020 runs of Mr. Bones by Lizstar and Energy by GliitchWiitch, both really neat games ran by wonderful people (and partly commentated by a sleepy Zandra)!

I'll also be on another GDQ-related stream this upcoming week: you can catch me on GDQ Hotfix's Mercy Kill show this Wednesday at 7pm Eastern! I'll be running at least one (1) game I haven't run in a very long time, with the estimate timer breathing down my neck! Tune in if that sounds like your jam. ^^

Thanks for your support as always, especially now. Your help makes a huge difference in my life, day after day, and I want to keep paying that forward. Let's keep getting better; let's keep making wonderful things together.💙


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