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Hey hi folks!

Short update this time, because I've finished the art sketches for Substitute Familiar! All that's left is to clean the pics up (my favorite part), lay the book out, and then publish it! I want this book to be out before the end of the month; I'll let you know once we get closer to that date if I think I'm gonna make it!

On the video front, I've been streaming a bunch more, and that means more early access videos going up for $3+ tiers! I also have a few videos I realize I never made public and I'll be figuring out how to organize them.

As far as conventions go, PAX East is coming up and I am not going for the first time in a long while! I need to rest and prepare for surgery, which is getting closer and closer. I'll keep you updated on how I'm planning to work things out during that time, as it'll be really hard for me to work/stream while I'm recovering. But I have ideas! ^^

Thanks again so much for your support. I know I say this often, but I mean it: I couldn't make this work without you. I'm an anxious person by nature and having Patreon as a stable foundation on which to build has let me actually, you know... DO things instead of worry constantly. You make a huge difference in my life; I hope I can pay that forward. Let's keep making wonderful things together. 💙


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