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Hey hi folks! The long wait is over—Cat Wishes is now officially released! :D Well, technically I'll release it publicly tomorrow, but everyone at the $5+ level has access to it immediately!

To claim your copy, follow this link and associate your Patreon account with your itch.io account (you may have to create the latter if you don't already have one). Once that's done, you'll be able to download the book!

Right now the PDF is up, with an epub version coming a few days later. Everyone who has the book can get either or both!

Here's the blurb to get you an idea of what it's about:

What would you wish for if you got a divine being out of a jam?

Gods aren’t exactly common, but there are a lot of them, it turns out. If a person sees a god, it usually means the latter is in trouble—the modern world has many mysteries the gods haven’t completely figured out. But some charitable person is inevitably around to help out these flustered deities, who then invariably grant these kind souls a wish.

And if a lot of wishes are being granted at once, well, it’s easy to lose track of what you want.

Cat Wishes is my second light novel, this time about a small group of friends, divine intervention, and the ups and downs of their day to day life as they adjust to some pretty dramatic changes. As always, it’s full of personal growth, self-discovery, and a lot of gender feels.

Thank you so much for all your help; I couldn't have made it here without you! I hope you'll like my second light novel. ^^ And now, on to the next one!



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