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The post itself pretty much covers all of it; not much else to say except me writing, writing, and more writing as fast as I can!

Frouge is busting his ass too; we want to get Future Fragments finished and to you all as fast as possible :)




So I guess it will took some month? This looks a lot I guess I keep my subscription


Being able to check in now and then and see all the things you've collectively been working on is plenty enough to keep hyped about, personally. This might well be the most ambitious game of its kind, perhaps ever, and yet it's continuously taken shape over the years, with meaningful progress every step of the way. It's genuinely been inspiring to see it take shape from that old fire demo I stumbled across on some random forum into what we saw in the electric demo and onwards, and... well, that's certainly more than enough to put full trust in. How long it takes doesn't matter a bit, once we have that kind of trust in the team, in the project, and in the great game that this will turn out to be. There's really nothing like it, and something THIS friggin' *cool* is just completely worth the wait, be that a year, or two, or ten. So I just hope for everyone's wellbeing in the meanwhile. If there's ever anything y'all need help with, though, be it questions or feedback or blood sacrifice, just let us know! I've got plenty of spare blood; no prooooblem. ^^ Anyways. Basically just wanted to convey my trite little "yo, some rando lesbian on the internet believes in you." So, like, don't let any other weirdos get'cha down about release date nonsense or whatever. It's done when it's done, and it'll kick ass, so I'm perfectly happy with waiting, and I know I'm not the only one. (Seriously, though. If money's ever becoming a bigger problem, lemme know. I may be far below the poverty line, but I could always sell my hair or something.)


Well first of all, never ever give us money past your own means; I'd rather this game go down than someone ruin their finances giving us their hard earned money when they can't afford it. Ideally, no one should be backing us past 1% of their monthly income (so if you make $2000 a month, you shouldn't be backing us for more than $20 etc.) The thought's definitely appreciated though, don't get me wrong! The well wishes are also really appreciated; we're striving to make this as good as it can be before release, so I really do hope all the time it's taken is worth it, and we've learned a lot of lessons during development that we can carry through to future games, for sure. Just spreading the word about the game though is help enough, of course, so if you wanna do that from time to time, that definitely helps! :D


I mean, if it helps people who've helped me out by making something that got me through some rough times just from some of the news posts and demos, then I'd still look to do *something*, even if I don't always have an income at-all, is all I mean by that. Wouldn't seriously consider anything beyond my means unless some people I liked were about to start going hungry. It's been a really fun project to keep up with, and I've insistently shared the electric demo in particular with... most of the people I know, actually. Got some weird looks, but, like, when a game is good, I just think it's way too fun to show off to people. It's honestly been a big hit with a lot of the friends who share an interest in metroidvanias and stuff like Megaman and the like, though, it was a bit of a tougher sell to some of my more sapphic friends. And, like, of course, it's also the highest-quality H-game any of them had ever seen, which definitely doesn't hurt... >:3 But yeah! Just wanted to be sure to get that point across. From the smooth game feel that never feels floaty or unresponsive, to the really cool visual flair and designs, to the writing that has some witty dialogue and also DOESN'T use the fact that it's an h-game as an excuse to EVER cut corners? On top of the unironically-in-some-playlists soundtrack and the killer VA work and the fun little touches like mixing and matching different powerups to the interesting bits of speed tech and the difficulty curve that make replaying areas feel rewarding and the genuinely interesting level designs and the neat enemy variety and the fascinating fusion of settings that manages to create such compelling hooks of intrigue to the seriously impressive CG scenes to the animations that... ahm... actually, I'm kinda belaboring the point, there... >/~/< Brevity is my anathema when I'm interested in something. tl;dr: I just think it's a rad game, and wanted to say as much. Aaaaand now I'm all hyped about it again, so I might just go start ranting at a few friends about how exciting it is. Always leads to some fun (albeit somewhat embarrassing) conversations. So I'm just happy to know that things are going well, regardless of whatever the timeline looks like. ^^


That's really flattering to hear that your friends liked it and that you've been sharing it around, that definitely helps! Glad to hear you liked the controls too, since some people have said in the past that they didn't like the way it controlled, etc. Audio was a huge thing for us, still is, so I'm glad you liked that too :) and yep, we're doing good, just trying to get it out ASAP!


Some of the earliest demos have had slightly less responsive controls, but what I always find most important is the *consistency* of how a game feels relative to its physics, rather than sharp, instantaneous feedback. Requiring the player to commit a bit more to their momentum and spells makes it really feel like your earn those moments where you chain together movement abilities or land a well-timed charge shot. Balancing that out by having an instant jumpsquat and a pleasantly mashable basic attack that *do* have that instant feedback really gives you a satisfying range of control that manages to always feel deliberate, yet never feel too constrictive. The feeling of shorthopping around, in particular, feels very zippy and satisfying-- it's always a great sign when a player starts having fun with just hopping around when traveling through familiar rooms, as that means the basic movement is inherently fun. And it plays well on both controller and keyboard! That bit's actually a little baffling, as I tend to be someone who only ever used one or the other for a game, depending on which feels better, but I've continuously flip-flopped. But yeah. Definitely prefer this kind of game-feel to the controls than if, say, it were all instant feedback, though. Because then, you either have a game that is extremely easy for people who just have quick reflexes... or one that *requires* such by being difficult enough to challenge those players. Having *some* controls feel quick while others feel committal evokes a very modern Castlevania-y feel that I vibe with. It's more about timing and space. As for sound... jeeeeeez... from the triple A voice work, to the banger soundtrack (electric level's and the title theme liiiiiiive rent free in my head), to the littler things like the satisfying clanks of every landing on metal or the memorable sound of the respawn sequence or the underrated bits of system sounds like the menus and save noise or the compelling cadence of the 5-beat rhythm to the basic magic attack, to the sounds that are, um... a very *different* kind of interesting. Also very good! >//< --- On a somewhat unrelated note, though, not *all* of said friends initially know what kind of game it was that I was telling them to play. Which made for an amazing bit of mischief with some of my better friends. And it kinda speaks volumes that cool setting, fantastic presentation, and super solid core gameplay honestly had them getting invested in the story and mechanics even *before* that moment of "wait, what is... oooooooh. Wait, what? Why's the other stuff so good, then? And why are you watching me play this, then?? Go away!!" Pff... still get a kick out of that. Especially since her response was to chase me away and keep playing, ehehe... So yeah, fun stuff. Though, I moooostly just nerd out about it at people until they end up asking about what this game I keep going on and on about is called. As seen in, uh... literally every post of mine, lol. Normally would be too embarrassed to ramble on about an H-game liek that, but, like... a good game's a good game, and I'm gonna keeping saying as much until everyone I know starts getting curious about that electric demo I keep posting in the group chats! :3 ...in all seriousness, though, my inability to reign in my enthusiasm is one of the only reasons why I'd kept myself from posting prior. I'm a bit *much* when something catches my interest so thoroughly. That, and the fact that I kept forgetting which Patreon account I was using for what. But I figured I'm enough of a fangirl to be fine with skipping the hassle of a more anonymous alt, at this point. ^^ Oh! And also the character designs and the just general *tone* of the story and setting are just killer. Talia's seriously such a cute little snarky badass, while Faye and Vi really take some classic archetypes and give them some really great twists, and also just the *outfits* are so perfectly stylish, looking sexy without ever feeling like "too much", but then also the way they all talk is just such a great-- [Editor's Note: This silly bish has already gone on for waaaay too long, lol.]


Man, this is a heck of a review (in a good way, this stuff is really encouraging!) For a few specific point responses; - We tried real hard with consistency, for sure, both in the story and gameplay; took a lot of iterations and fine-tuning stuff, but I'm glad it comes off as that to you. - Same for the controller stuff, I know Frouge did a lot of under the hood work to get those to work good, so I'm glad that works good also! - We tried to make things as fair as possible with a lot of ways to make the game harder on yourself if you want, but also ways to make things easier on yourself if you want; player accessibility/comfort in difficulty was a biiiig one for us, as an adult game with gameplay as a main focus would be offputting to a lot of people in the West, so we wanted to give that flexibility to "soft-introduce" people to this kind of thing (back when it was much more of a rarity). - Personally, "The End" (last level) has my favorite level themes, so try that demo out if you want, but yeah, the full soundtrack is over 150 songs and man, Wishful did a great job on them; for the sound effects, same thing, Lewd K. has stuck with us and really delivered on the SFX, IMO. - That whole thing of "being shocked it's an adult game" is what we're going for; I think with our game and many others coming out in 2023 and here on out, that you'll start to see a shift where adult games aren't going to always be considered to be lower quality things, they can have quality, which I'm glad we achieved per a lot of people's feedback about it. - Triangulate's designs for all the characters really were amazing to me too (still are, of course!); they work well in action, in portraits, in advertisements, etc. they're really just easy characters to fit into stuff and to give personality to with writing, IMO. Again, thanks a lot for all the well wishes and compliments, seriously!


I like your stuff.