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I really hate to have any sort of a reason for going slower on work, but as it is, the flu knocked me out for a few days, and then yeah, 2nd grandmother in under a month passed away unbelievably; my parents handled most of the funeral stuff, but I still was helping with some of the arrangements and anything to do with computer stuff (appointments etc.) because both of my parents have no idea what to do with any of that.

Still got a small handful of scenes in though, and Frouge has been keeping busy too, getting bugfixes in plus an assortment of stuff I needed for more cutscenes, as well as something I'm sure many people would enjoy; being able to check on your menu how many Fragments, Gold Databanks, and Powerups you've found per level.

The next two weeks should hopefully, barring anything else happening crazy like it's been the last few weeks, be much more productive.




Yeah, we're still working constantly on it, and there was definitely a flu resurgence; I managed to get sick AGAIN at the tail end of the month. Definitely trying to balance work/life as best as I can.


Well, luckily I'm over the flu and stuff's been mostly handled with my family, so things should be fine now :)


I feel like I lack context, because I only see "reply", now what your reply is to


thats great hope everything else goes well for you :)


It's OK. You do what you guys have to do. There's no rush at all! I'm sorry about your grandmother... Hope everything will be alright for you! 😔🙏

Meak Lander

Sorry to hear about your grandmother. I'll repeat this as many times as needed, but your health and family first. We can wait, it's not like waiting is going to change anything if we just need to wait longer. It's nice to see even just minor updates cause it shows you are still doing it and not abandoning this wonderful project. As far as the flu goes my doctor warned me Friday that a major flu strain, covid resurgence and a third one I can't remember the name of are hitting hard right now. So stay safe.


My condolences on your losses, and no need to apologise for getting sick. Take your time to recover, and think of your health first.


Looks like your start of the new year went quite well


I am sorry to hear about your losses.


take your time dude or ma'ma i apologize i dont know which one you are ;-; but alot has happen in your life by the looks of the posts and its so well your taking it how you are but you dont need to continue working at the same pace take your time to get over the illness and to sort yourself out abit :)


No rush, take your time. I hope things will get better for you from now on.