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This is gonna be a somewhat long post, but it's important, so make sure you read through it! We're gonna cover;
  • The old Ice Demo for everyone!
  • Timeline (and a caveat) for making Game Over CGs
  • How we're going to make the Game Over CGs
  • How the Game Over CGs will work in-game
  • What the image on this post is about


The old Ice Demo for everyone!

So a lot of you coming here are from Newgrounds and other similar sites; thanks for pledging and helping not only make this game a reality, but also increasing the quality of it now that we've reached the $7000 game over CGs goal!

As thanks, if you've pledged, but even if your pledge hasn't went through, I've sent the old Ice Demo to your Patreon PM inbox; if you didn't get it, leave a comment here and I'll send it over!

That said, once the new Ice Demo comes out near the end of this month,  to be fair and to reward those who've been here for a while, I'm going to require your pledge to clear like normal to get that demo, but as it's at the end of the month you'd only need to wait a few days.

I'll still be streaming the new demo once it's out and such too, so you'll be able to catch it there as well :)


Timeline (and a caveat) for making Game Over CGs

Holy crap, we reached $7000! When we first started this project, I honestly can't say I expected things to reach this level, but I'm definitely flattered by everyone's support, as is Triangulate and Albatross!

That said, we can't just instantly make the GO CGs, there's a few things that need to happen before we start getting that stuff complete.

First, we've started assembling a pool of artists that we feel fit the game's aesthetic, as well as have artistic quality that will make for really A+ GO CGs (I think I'm just gonna call them CGs to save room, lol).

We then need to see which of them is actually up for the task of doing CGs for the game; if we find a very large pool of artists that are up for it, we might have each of the 25 game over CGs (one per enemy) drawn by a separate artist (or 2-3 per artist), but if we only can get a small number of skilled artists to agree to it, we might do something like "one artist assigned to each level".

Now, here's the caveat; for us to be able to afford hiring these artists, we need to STAY above $7000 a month. So if the end of this month comes and we drop significantly down (of course there will always be a drop when it comes to the end of each month, but you know what I mean), then we'd have to halt hiring anymore artists until it got back up there, but the ones that we had hired/started on work would have already been paid, of course.


How we're going to make the Game Over CGs

Each of the artists we sign onto doing this will get a list of the currently completed enemies with sex animations, etc. 

If none of them interest them, then they can opt to wait until we complete the later stage's enemies, and possibly pick from those.

If they do find an enemy they take interest in (or, if we're doing the "artist per stage option", a stage), then we'd give them information on the enemy, the game's world/that particular stage, to make everything mesh and fit in well.

Then we'd let them get to it; Triangulate would be supervising the art, and would likely offer advice or slightly change things during the process to "unify" things somewhat across the level's art, and the final piece he'd do some touchups on too for the same purpose.


How the Game Over CGs will work in-game

If you're knocked down to 0 health (or a special cutscene like the Fire Boss occurs), there'll be an option to restart normally, or see the CG of the last enemy that fucked Talia (we'll be working on this; we may go with a method where it happens regardless, but you can disable CGs of enemies you've seen them of before in the options, for example).

The CGs will consist of a single image with two or three variations (like expressions changing, cumshot, that sort of thing). Some artists may vary the image more than others (like entire position changes), others may do barely any changes due to the detail of their art/the background, but there will be at least three variations for each CG.

Accompanying it will be optional text you can turn on/off with a button press, as well as voicework (which is also able to be muted of course).

At the start of the sequence, Talia will start the activation of her suicide formula in her tooth (knowing that she'll respawn at the save pad within 3 minutes once it actually activates), and then the CG effectively ends once that's over. (Not 3 minutes in real time of course, 3 minutes in CG-time.)

(For those who don't understand the suicide formula reference, in the game, there's save pads that save your game, right? If you check the databank by the first save pad, they do this quite literally; they save the body constitution and all the clothes/objects on that person, and they recreate/respawn them at that point. So Talia knows if she's in an inescapable situation, that's an easy-out card, basically a morbid teleporter of sorts.

To note also, the suicide is painless, with no averse effects, and the "ending of consciousness/life" happens after 3 minutes instantly. Talia and Faye are both trained warriors that, especially knowing they can use the save pads and aren't actually permanently dying, don't show fear when faced with this result.)

However, it is notable that for everyone else besides Talia and Faye, using the save/recreation pads only restores thier memories/thoughts up to the point that they "saved" on the save pad.

For those two though, the save pads allow them to keep their memories right up to the point of the respawn itself as well. Why, you ask? You'll have to find out through playing the game ;)


What the image on this post is about

This is actually one of the screens for the prologue of the game, summarizing the backstory to the game and why you're going to the future to save your kingdom. I'll have the full set of pictures on the next post!

And if Talia and Faye look a bit menacing/evil here... remember, they aren't exactly the most honorable people, either. :P

And as usual, thanks so much for your support; we're aiming to give you nothing less than the best game we can do!

The November Ice Demo with the new engine and all is still on track for mid/late November! :D

(As an extra note too, if you wanted to check out the other two games of mine (especially if you're a yuri or a futa fan, respectively, since we're not doing either of those in this game), they're at http://www.patreon.com/reclaimreality and http://www.patreon.com/hentaiwriter.) 
