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So, as we near release, there's something I need to go over with with everyone.

EDIT: Steam will allow me to still generate Steam Keys even AFTER Future Fragments releases, and also, I'm an idiot!

This means that either the FF Patreon will just continue on as an alternative way to get the game on Steam, and at some point down the line, we'll switch it to whatever new game we end up doing, whether that's something else or Future Fragments 2.

The rest of the post is still important to read, though!


As it stands currently, when, or even if, we'll end up doing Future Fragments 2 is up in the air, because Frouge, Triangulate, and myself are fairly burnt out on Future Fragments as it is.

We have so, SO many different game ideas, IPs, characters, etc. we'd like to make into games, and in all honesty, we've spent nearly eight years on this game and as it stands right now, the prospect of working on Future Fragments (effectively) for another 2-3 years after this to do the sequel isn't something that any of us are really into.


However, that might change after we release FF 1; we might want to still make FF 2, we might want to make it even less, we might want to make other games first then come back to FF 2, etc.

There's really no way to tell at this point, is all.

Currently, the most likely scenario is that we'll make a few more games, switching the Patreon over to each of them as we work on them, and then come back to FF 2, but this isn't a promise; we may also very well never end up making FF 2.


And so that brings me to the entire point of this post, and the thing I'd like to give very advance notice about.

Around the start of September, and then mid september too, there'll be two more posts similar to this one.

Both of them will be notifying backers that the Patreon will soon either;

A) Continue on as-is, as an alternative way to get the game (and potential sequel)

Or, B) we'll switch over to a new game for this Patreon.

In either scenario, to be clear of course, we'll continue to provide updates/fixes/polish for Future Fragments 1 for a good while.


The reason we'll be giving these alerts, of course, is because we wouldn't want people to be caught off guard by either scenario or get charged for something they didn't want to support, etc.

So if you've all got any questions about this, let me know in the comments below and I'll try to answer as best as I can!



As a fellow gamedev, why do you have to freeze the Patreon, but continue after choosing a new game? (I would like to sell my games on Steam too, but I don't know the intricacies of such).


Basically, there's a specific rule with Steam that if you're being crowdfunded by a crowdfunding campaign that *has no set end*, you can't generate Steam Keys for backer rewards until that campaign has ended. ...or at least that's what I THOUGHT the case was, because I'm an idiot! I'm going to have to take down this entire post now and redo it, hahaha, I need sleep. But basically, it turns out you can have it going as long as the pricing is the same as it is on Steam, so yeahhh


Nod nod. Thanks for the info. It might not apply to be... I think maybe. I have like 3 games doing at the same time >_> Dont ask (provervially speaking, I would anwer questions)


So just to be clear, we have the option of either a steam key or just a normal download when the game is done right? How is that going to be handled?


When the game comes out, I'll send an email off to everyone that's $20 or above at that point, and it'll ask you what service you'd want the game on; you'd then reply to it, and I'd send you a key for that service. We'll have the game on around 10+ platforms, to be clear.


Just do whatever you like once FF is out, I’m sure it’ll be baller

Nathan Phoenix

Personally after all this time I would be more interested in your team trying something new rather than a direct sequel. At least for a follow up anyway.

Jon P

Same here, I can definitely understand creative fatigue and the need to try something new, help recharge the batteries so to speak. Even the great Akabur dropped his most recent game to switch to something else for a while, and he wasn't on it for 8 years. So the fact the entire Future Fragments Team has made it this long without giving up or even taking substantial breaks is mind-blowing dedication to the craft!!


As long as I have the means, I will still continue to send support payments for your awesome works!


Aw man - that's a bit of a bummer. Would have loved to see Faye's story. Maybe some years down the line. But I totally understand where you're coming from. You've been working on this game for a really long time... I personally would prefer if you kept this patreon as your "team patreon". Other studios are doing similar things (like Eromancer or Anduo Games, for instance). It's more convenient to keep track of ;) And I am curious to see what you will come up with for your next game ;)


This might be a stupid question, but as a supporter, do I only get the Steam key and can I only play it with Steam, or do I also have the game itself as a program? Like the demos? I couldn't quite read it now.


We've already got a lot of game design documents/game ideas ready, all of which I think are either on par with FF or even better, IMO :)


The last thing we'd do would be to just totally drop the game, especially this late in; we want to make sure it gets finished at all costs!


The only issue with keeping it as a "team patreon" is that future games I work on will likely have a mix of people working on them, so it's hard to have a "team that never changes", etc. But we'll see how it goes in the coming months/for future games!


So when the game comes out, I'll send an email off to everyone that's $20 or above at that point, and it'll ask you what service you'd want the game on; you'd then reply to it, and I'd send you a key for that service. We'll have the game on around 10+ platforms, to be clear. You'll also have the option of just getting the game as a direct download too (on places like Itch.io etc.), to be clear!


AFAIK they're going to release the game on multiple platforms. The platform you choose determines the form in which you get the game. Choose steam and you need steam to play. If you choose itch.io or a similar platform (assuming the game will be there), you will get the game "as a program" that you can download like the demos.

Jonathan Marlow

I'd be fine with a different game. I take we've all played "Parasite In City" by Pixel Factory right? I hope everyone here as, I was thinking of maybe something similar to that in terms of style and theme. Because of PF's disappearance all the way back in 2014 while he was working on a sequel... a sequel we'll never see. It would be nice to go darker, with a more tense and claustrophobic atmosphere, with designs with more of a Lovecraftian or H R Giger element to them. Smaller scale but more complex art design to make up for it.


To be clear, for the next few games, we'll likely be as far away from anything "sidescroller" as possible, but whatever it is, it'll definitely still have the same sort of "under the surface dark storyline" stuff FF did :D Eroding Ego is the next one to get worked on, and it'll definitely have that kinda vibe to it. (Not the Lovecraftian stuff, but a darker vibe than potentially even FF.)

Leland Miller

As long as you don't have Vie asking Talia "You mind telling me what you're doing on that ship?" And Talia turns and says "Sir, finishing this fight," and then end the game, I'll be down to see where you guys go next.


Disclaimer: all of the endings in the game are cliffhangers/not perfectly cut and dry endings. That said, that's because all the endings, for the most part, cover hundreds of years of history after the gameplay ends.

Nathan Phoenix

All I ask is for something animated. The "market" is flooded with cheap RPGM/Renpy works that makes it to hard for talent to show through.

Jonathan Marlow

I agree, games like Future Fragments feel like the exception rather than the rule these days, a lot of games that show up on F95Zone forums show such a lack of effort, a lack of imagination, missed potential or they might just have a great concept that's been poorly executed. It feels like a lot of western developers don't want to put a lot of thought into the projects they're doing, many of them seem to be only taking it half seriously, many don't even finish what they started! The majority of them are making adult games that'll turn out like trash and that's a real shame.


Oh, all games we're doing will have animation. Whether that's FULL animation, or partial animation (ex. Eroding Ego will have the "overworld" areas animated and the virtual world animated, but not the visual novel sprites and unlikely to have the CGs animated), there'll always be some animation. Ideally, we're aiming to be sort of a "premium" NSFW game brand where you're guaranteed high quality art, writing, gameplay, voicework, story, sound effects, music, lots of endings, ease of use/quality of life stuff, etc.

Leland Miller

That was just a reference to Halo 2's ultra cliffhanger ending, I was just joking. Whatever the future holds I'm willing to see!


will those steam keys also work for german region ?


Stupid question, is it also possible to get a instal file download. I am fine with a different game if it keeps you creatively active.


damn germany xD if not do tell me where and if possible nnothing that needs a credit card since i dont have one