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Jonathan Marlow

You should realy look into having proper ultra widescreen support, or at least make it less visually buggy since the UI flips out in conjunction with the black bars that are on either side.


We might do something like that post-release, but right now apparently only about 1-2% of all computer users have ultra widescreen monitors, so it's unfortunately not a big priority for us versus just getting the game out as fast as we can.

Jonathan Marlow

it's fine, and btw I think Patreon fucked at some point and didn't let me have access to the 5$ reward stuff or even notify me, so when I looked at what the latest demo was, I had to resubmit my amount then it let me have the latest demo. I say all this because I was sorting out files on my PC and I randomly found V0.33a, I played it and noticed the problems with Ultra widescreen support, but now I just downloaded V0.49 which I didn't know existed because of Patreon fucking up and the Ultra widescreen support is a bit better, at least the black bars are gone.