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So after testing the game and such we've noticed quite a bizarre AI glitch in where, after you've been on a map for more than say, 2 or so minutes, the game starts flooding the AI with random data on where Talia's at, and thus causes the enemies to bug out, which then results in the game crashing.

I've been told by Cheshire this isn't a serious bug to fix in terms of difficulty, but it is a bit of a time-consuming one, so he's going to need a bit of time. We're still going to try and release by the 23rd, but if not, we're really confident we can still get it out before the month's end (the 30th).

Being that this is the first demo we've had out in a while, we don't really want to release it and have a massive error like this in there (if you're wondering how we didn't find this until now, it's because we were beating the maps in under 2 minutes, and killing all the enemies on screen as well).

Porting the game over to C++ from GameMaker is likely the cause here, so again, shouldn't be too much to fix, but as always I'll keep you all updated on things and the minute we get the demo done I'll send it over. (I'm not able to send over the current version because all three of us agreed we'd rather not have such a buggy version floating around the internet, and it's only a few more days etc.)

In the meantime, there's rumors that Yahoo might wipe Tumblr out, so in that scenario, you should all follow me on twitter at http://www.twitter.com/hentaiwriter and http://hentaiwriter.blogspot.com as well, if you want to keep up with me on social media and you're primarily using Tumblr as of right now.

(And as always, anyone who's upset over this is free to ask for a refund if they haven't already gotten any monthly rewards.)



Asking for a refund at this point would be kinda silly. We are 100% behind your decision!


Isn't tumblr just taking down Nintendo related stuff? That's the only rumor I've been hearing.


I always want to give the option though if people feel we aren't meeting their standards though, especially after the Breeding Season fiasco, I feel scrutiny on adult game makers is much higher, and we want to meet those standards both in how we treat the people pledging us and the level of quality for the games we're working on, so yeah.




What if I'm not upset, do I still get to ask for a refund? It's free money yay! Anyway, I've already waited this long for the demo; I wouldn't mind waiting a bit more. Good luck with the bug fixes!


Haha, thanks for the support, we're busting ass on them! I'm realllly proud of the maps this time around too, easily the best stuff i've done yet.


Have you begun working on the updated maps for the Fire level too? Or will you wait to see the patreon's reaction to the new design for the Ice level before reworking them?


Ah Im so mad I wanna stay n nag you more! lol all good indeed tho I do want a list of features u guys r incorporating in this demo.


Pretty much waiting on all of your reactions to the Ice level maps. The new style of maps takes a lot of work/time to do, but IMO it's worth it, because it makes the gameplay flow a lot better, looks a lot better, and isn't as grindy/boring by a long shot to play through.


No problem! - New UI entirely - New enemy (Guard Celodst) - New sex animations (Guard Celodst, Teepee Trap) - Entirely new map structure/navigation structure - Powerups for Talia - C++ engine makes the game run wayyy smoother - New tilesets/art in general - Crouching shot for Talia among others, etc.


Will this demo have the Ice level boss?


Well, I can wait. I mean, that is what Pokemon GO is for, right?


It unfortunately won't; the Ice level boss will probably be in the September or so demo, as that's going to take a lot of work to get in the game code-wise (but all of its art is done). It's a lot more intensive/complex than the Fire boss, that's for sure!