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For some reason I've had multiple posts now of people claiming they can't see "the latest post", with the latest post being this one, and before it, the one announcing PayPal for NSFW people.

Anyone else having this problem, and if so, can you screencap it? I make all my posts at the $1 level, so this shouldn't be happening.



No problems for me... mayb they forgot to log in?


same here no prob whatsoever......


有看到新帖子啊 怎麼了???


Recently, patreon system has been changed so people who hasn't pledged for this month are not able to see this month's posts. This might be the reason.


Only there are those like me, who have paid this month and still cannot see it.


Odd... I didn't even know this was going on...


wait is there a demo up? if so i cant see it. I really want it too. :(


Demos are sent to Patrons through the messaging system only, never posted in the activity feed, but the new demo isn't ready yet (aiming for the 23rd)


Patreon keeps putting up a message at the top of the feed for everyone apparently. it reads "There’s more! If you raise your pledge to HentaiWriter, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 1 more patron-only posts." Yet you have the patron only posts set to $1 dollar. I think this is patreon trying to get more money.


Oh, well, shit. I think I know what the problem is. A while back I did a post for like $15 or $20 tier pledges specifically at that level just telling them that I'd sent them the reward emails; this was like, over a year ago, so that's highly likely what it is. I'm going to go back through my post archives and delete that post; re-check again in about an hour or two and let me know if that fixes it.