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So, I’m thinking of doing something with my Tumblr account and the posts on it going forward.

I wanted to try an experiment for a month or so where, when I did a Patreon-only post and such, I’d post a “partial” version of the post (like for this game, if it’s a sex animation, just one frame of the animation would be shown, or if it’s say, powerups, it would be just the powerups with no text to accompany them) to Tumblr, along with a link to this Patreon account.

It’d let people who aren’t pledging know we’re still doing constant work, as well as obviously trying to entice people to join up, while still keeping the “full” version of whatever that post was exclusive for the actual Patrons. I figure it’s a good idea, but let me know what you think in the strawpoll below;




Well, it's good to see that, 135 votes in, no Patron thinks they're being "robbed". I support the reason that sneak peeks of the progress are shown to the public. I'm a Patron mostly for the support and the demos, though, so I don't mind if you give them the same explanation of the power ups and the lore so it makes them even more enticed to pledge. *grin* I agree with showing still-versions of your animations, too.

Patron Vulture

That helps to get people interested. Also make this look less like a paywall thing and more like a supported project.


I'm pretty amazed at this myself, across three Patreons where this poll was posted (this, the hentaiwriter patreon and reclaim reality) that only six people voted for the "robbed" one. I'll definitely be implementing this with the next Patron-only post, for sure.


It has been 72 hours. You guys run into a delay on the update?


Did three other posts after this one, didn't want to do more than one post a day, so the update got pushed to today (which I'm finishing in about 3 minutes).