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Progress report first!

- We're currently adding stuff like parallax scrolling and the powerups to the C++ build; the parallax itself might not be in the next demo build, but the powerups will be (we've selected 10 out of the current 50 to implement, as a good deal of them require additional features like health orbs or mana that isn't implemented in the game yet).

- In the meantime, Triangulate is continuing to do animations and art and such as usual; he's also doing a bit more tiles for the Ice Level so I can make the maps look even better.

- Cheshire is inputting the code for all these new features, etc.

- I'm continuing to flesh out the maps for the July demo, as well as work on templates for cutscenes and other features we have coming down the line.

We plan to try and release the demo between July 9th (earliest) to July 23rd (latest); if you pledge this month successfully you'll get the demo next month of course!

And from this point onwards we're going to try our best to get out monthly demos too :)


And now, for the powerups! This time around, clockwise from the top left, we've got a "negative" powerup and then four stand-alone utility powerups!

If you missed the first powerups post on how powerups work, go back and look at it patreon.com/posts/4840446 there!

To note again, these objects are not the actual physical representation of these objects; picking them up doesn't actually give Talia a kiwi to eat, etc.

#1 - Nutrition Cube (Negative Powerup)

So this is one of those "weird" powerups again that might not really make sense out of context (or without spoilers), but if you look at all the previous updates, you might start to see a picture forming here. ;)

The boost it gives is "Talia's life bar constantly drains as long as she has this, at a rate of 5 HP a second, down to 1 HP (but she won't be killed by having the powerup). She also cannot utilize any movement or health-increasing-based powerups, either. However, all healing orbs now heal her for 200% of what they normally would." Being a negative powerup, this obviously has some pretty severe drawbacks; it's also one of only two or so negative powerups that also DISABLE other certain powerups!

#2 - Kiwi (Utility Powerup)

This one, being a standalone powerup, was meant to represent a country that wasn't represented too often in the other powerups, so this one actually represents China, as it was the birthplace of the fruit AND the national fruit of the country as well! (You'll find a few other food-based powerups in here, and there's even another one today; believe it or not, these all tie into the storyline too.)

The boost it gives is "Mana regeneration rate is now doubled for Talia." As mana isn't introduced in the game yet, the impact of this one may not be that significant, but this will allow you to bust out your special utility moves and your special charge shots twice as fast!

#3 - Playing Cards (Utility Powerup)

Falling in line with #1 up above, this is another powerup that's a bit of a spoiler if I explain why we picked it. It also doesn't represent any country in particular. (I'll give you one hint though; while there are four "types" of powerups, storyline-wise, there are three "categories" that all the powerups fall into. #1 is one category, #2 is the second category, and #3 is the third category.)

The boost it gives is "Makes all powerups in the game that you find twice as likely to be a higher tier." To clarify, all the powerups will eventually get "tier rankings" when it comes to how powerful they are in-game, after we've tested them all out (as well as all of you giving your feedback on how powerful they feel). Very high tier powerups will essentially be a few shades away from OP, whereas most powerups will fall in a lower tier. We're aiming for 4 tiers; the average stuff (tier 4), stronger than usual (tier 3), pretty damn strong (tier 2), and nearly OP (tier 1).

The stronger a powerup is though, it'll usually require more skill to use it to its fullest potential; for example, the two powerups below might be tier 2, at first glance.

#4 - Ensaïmada (Utility Powerup)

Here we are with another food powerup; this one in particular is representing the Philippines!

The boost it gives is "Talia now gets pushed in the opposite direction when firing in the air, and gains the ability to fire downwards as well." This introduces a whole new level of utility to Talia's movements; this will allow you to not only attack enemies below you while jumping, but you'll be able to get much more distance horizontally on your jumps, which could lead to some pretty neat sequence break stuff in maps.

#5 - Bishop Chess Piece (Utility Powerup)

This one is representing India, where the game is believed to have originated in a different form from what we know it as today, but all the same, that's where it came from!

The boost it gives is "Talia can now fire diagonally while on the ground." This one represents the usage of the piece in chess itself, being able to move diagonally. This will allow Talia to aim her shots diagonally to hit foes below her on lower platforms, or upwards to hit foes crawling on the walls or ceilings, or flying! (As you can imagine, this powerup is more useful in some levels than others, but that goes for most of the powerups.)


That's it for now; we'll have another powerup and update post soon! :D




Excited to see the new C++ crossover.


went ahead and pledged and am excited for the july demo but seeing as its coming mid/late july will i still be sent the most update demo (the one before july) when the pledge goes through on the first/second?


Woo, Ensaïmada!! That's one good pastry. I didn't know it was spelled like that, though. I spell it as Ensaymada. Nonetheless, it was awesome that you considered my country.




We'll send that demo out still, sure, and then we'll send the updated demo as soon as it's done. :)


Where I live there's actually a lot of Filipinos; some of my good friends are Filipinos :P This isn't the only game I've included something from the Philippines in, either, but that other game might take a while to come to fruition, unfortunately.


You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention. I'd like to know more about that mysterious game, but I guess there's another time for it. Anyway, I'm glad to hear that. Good luck with the game!


awesome and incredible work nothing out there at the moment that can quite compete.


Well, the other game's Artificial Apocalypse; it was that 3D dynasty warriors-esque game, but the artist for it is super bogged down with IRL work, so it might be a while before we can actually seriously start that one up. All the characters are fleshed out, designed in text, attacks, combos, skills, the game's storyline, it's like a 75+ page game design document, but yeah. One of the characters in it was a boxer that used the element of lightning. All the characters in the game were named after their element, but their names were what that particular element was called in another language, as long as said name/word in that language had a dual meaning (for instance, the name of the Fire character would have fit both Fire as a word and "fire" as in "fire of the soul" in the language it was taken from.) In this case, I went with "Koryente", which means "Voltaic" in Tagalog. Went with that one because the character has to "charge up" their energy to deliver punches, much like a boxer would, and their personality is extremely energetic and bubbly, which also fits the "voltaic" definition. This one of course has a third, special meaning, given the popularity of Manny Pacquiao. And of course, none of this covers the storyline reason why I named all the women in it with this pattern (and there is a reason for it!) Can you tell I go a bit overboard with the wordplay/meanings in the games I work on? :P


No. But I can tell that it may look overboard for OTHERS. As an unpublished fantasy-fiction novelist, I can appreciate the effort you put into character creation, and I do. Some minor corrections, though: It's spelled "kuryente", and it is a noun that literally means electricity. For additional reference, "kidlat" is lightning, and "kulog" is thunder. Everything else is spot-on (the charging concept and the Pacquiao reference). Nonetheless, the accuracy is highly impressive. Everything happens for a reason, I guess. You might find time for that game eventually or you'll use that time for something more worthwhile. Either way, I'm sure the time and effort you use is always for something great, such as FF! (You might wonder why I praise a hentai game so much, but where else can you find a hentai game with this much story and art quality?)


Oh, interesting; yeah, google translate was what I was using, so it's likely going to be off in some areas, haha. I'd likely get a translator for each name before we actually released the game, etc. As far as going overboard, that's fine; I'd rather go overboard than not deliver enough :P And yeah, about using elements from other games, there was a game I was working on with Akairiot that's unfortunately been shelved as he just wanted to concentrate on his own stuff, which is understandable, but multiple elements from that game have become part of other games I'm working on (one thing in it became part of a small bit of Magic Matchup, another part of it I've inserted in FF, and another part of it will be in Reclaim Reality and Internal Interrogation, so on.) Our goal is to make a legitimate game with sexuality/hentai in it, not just a glorified animation gallery, so we're super happy when people really like our stuff! :D