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Hey, figured I'd drop this one off; if you're wondering why we made this, it'll mainly be used for cutscenes; she isn't playable in the game, unfortunately.

We're still working on the demo, but that actually brings us to a poll; right now, we're at a crossroads, and we'd like you all to make the choice. Here's what we're between;

Choice #1:

Put out a demo within the next week that proves that C++ is done, but the ONLY new thing it'll have is the new map structure. It won't have anything else new.

Then, during the first week of July, put out a demo with a few more things in it.

Choice #2:

Don't put out a demo anytime in June.

Then, during the first week of July, put out a demo that has MORE stuff in it than the July demo from Choice #1 would have.


The reason the July demo from choice #1 would be less dense than the demo from choice #2 is because spending the time compiling and testing the quick "proof demo" in choice #1 eats up time we could have spent putting stuff into the July demo, etc.

So, here's the poll; let us know what you'd like us to do! :)





I don't need you guys to "prove" that you're working on the game, because you've been doing that for the past six months. Keep putting stuff in order, and hold off until you have a much more complete demo. Putting out demos with only incremental changes is a waste of time, really.


Choice 2 is fine


*Sees Faye on the gif* *Reads the post* <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6gzOcTNKwE" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6gzOcTNKwE</a>


How much is the "MORE stuff" compared to the first choice or what are they even? Cutscenes, items or just code-behind stuff?


I'd vote Choice #1 - it would allow us to get used to the new program, as well as find any bugs that playtesters can find that you might miss.


To note, the new program, functionally for the user, is the exact same as what we had originally; the big change is under the hood, as it were, where the game should be running much faster/fluid for those who didn't have strong computers, and most of the actual changes to gameplay we've yet to add because we needed the actual engine done first.


This is what we're aiming to get in the July Demo if we go with choice #2; - The new UI (struggle bar, life/mana, powerups, talia's face/expressions, etc.) - New enemy attacks (ice grunt, small and tall celodst are all missing attacks) - New enemy (guard celodst and his attacks/h-stuff) - Crouching Talia shots - New maps for Ice Level (hub/explore/path structure) - New teleport/save pad setup/menu - Powerups, not all, but at least 5 or 10 or so - New databank class colors - Teepee trap for Ice Level If we went with choice #1, we'd probably have to remove some of the lengthier to program stuff, like getting the new enemy in, or less powerups, etc. (Essentially, it would put the overall completion of the game back a few days.) Cutscenes will come after the cutscene editor's done (so likely sometime in August), etc.


I'm in no real rush, I'd rather see a larger demo that I can spend some quality time on than running through a bare bones area that's incomplete.


Constant accountability is key for projects funded like this. That being said, I think option 1 is just a waste of time.


choice 2 gets my vote rather wait till july will have more to check out that way.

Paul Rendell

Rather have actual new content thank you so choice 2.


Choice 2 saves time in the long run. Sure it's a longer wait, but it'll be worth it for the new stuff. That said, I can't wait to see the Teepee trap in action.


I hate being waited but for the greater good I vote for #2. I do wish that in July demo they'll incorporate lava n ice map altogether / ice map with story cutscenes and boss battle (including all of those fabulous animations). I do have to say I am curious how you guys are gonna pull off the transition between lava map and ice map. Well no pain no gain - have to wait again~ lol


We won't be incorporating the lava/ice map together, mainly for two reasons; 1) As we create more and more maps, we'll be adding in more and more features to the game's engine per level. Instead of spending ages going back and adding these things (which we might even change later, like the map design and how we changed that), we'd rather get to the end of the game, then retroactively add these changes into the game so you're not stuck getting demos of the fire level for the next year an d a half as we add features :P 2) We don't have the in-between levels done yet, and we'd want those in there before we start doing levels, and as those are last priority in the game after the core levels are done... etc. :P The transition would mainly be going from the factory-esque ground to just straight rock without snow, then the rock goes from being red, to grey-ish, to blue, and then the snow comes in for the ice level :D


That Faye animation is looking real cool, can't wait til July!


I think Choice 2 is better, if indeed Choice 1 doesn't add anything but new rooms :) All the enemies and Hentai scenes we can already see if that is the case anyway, so waiting a little bit longer for something a lot better seems the way to go personally ^^ Thanks for all your work either way!


Thanks for the answer n I read your other replies as well. Will there be another lava map demo that incorporated features from the ice map demo (like face expression n power ups)? - this means not connecting ice map and lava map but as a separate thing (like a DLC kinda stuff). Honestly tho, I am blown away by the cutscene below, keep coming back to my mind. OMG I WANT THAT SO BADLY in the next demo - but ofc....... until August eh?


Definitely, the public demo will add this stuff for the fire level, as will the "finished game" demo too :D We have other cutscenes ready, but its just that we need to get the cutscene editor done before we can implement them, otherwise it'll take ages again like when Cheshire had to do the fire boss cutscene, etc.


As soon as your pledge clears I'll be sending it to your Patreon inbox! :)


Hey I pledged last week too. May I get the demo too?

Secular Reason

You mentioned Faye not being playable. I could have sworn that this was among the original "goals" and that we'd reached that level. Am I mistaken, or are you simply saying that she is not playable NOW rather than saying that she isn't playable at all?


The goal level was for her to get her own, entirely separate game as a spinoff/side version to this game once this game was done :P

Sierra Teylaas

choice 2 seems a more practical option.


I just started backing this Patreon yesterday after chancing upon an article on lewdgamer showcasing it. Since it's the middle of the month, I wouldn't get a demo until next month anyway, so choice #2 would be in my best interest.

