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If you've got any questions or concerns about this, feel free to contact us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/hentaiwriter or on Discord at https://discord.gg/puXrfSm 


The reason for this post is because I wanted to alert all of you that October will be the last month we'll be taking replies to the emails for the $10 backer name-in-background rewards for Future Fragments, as the game will be coming out in the next few months.


If you've backed at the $10 tier before, and did NOT get an email from me, please reply to this message (or DM me on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/hentaiwriter).

However, if you did get a "reward questionnaire" from me before and you answered with what name you wanted in the background, you're good to go (unless you wanted to change your name, which there's still time to do so if so!)


And if you haven't backed at the $10 tier before, to be clear on what you'd get;

There's a specific, major plot point in the game where your name would be connected to it and visible in the background of a level as part of that major plot point.

So, if you wanted that, you'll need to do the $10 tier just once on Patreon before October's over.


You'll still be able to pledge and such to support the game, it's just we won't be able to take name entries past those months because we'll need time to vet them for copyright issues as well as get them in the game.​

Thanks for reading this, and again, if you've got any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at the links up at the start of this message! :)


Nathan Phoenix

Boy. Kinda weird to think of a patreon game actually reaching a finished state


You're telling me; I can't wait to work on more games, it'll be amazing to finally have this completed!


Hey there, how long after backing in this tier shall I expect an email with the questionnaire? Thanks a ton!