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It's that time of the month again; if you are pledging $5 or more and you're also any of the following;

  • You switched to a new tier this month or last month than the one you were previously at
  • You're a new pledger to the Patreon from May 2021 up until June 3rd, 2021 (Anyone pledged after the 3rd of June will get their reward emails in early July, even if they aren't pledging anymore!)
  • You've never gotten a reward email from us before for the tier you're at now

Check your email you registered with on Patreon for a reward email/questionnaire!

Note that this isn't an email about getting a game demo; this is specifically to ask you things like what name you want in the credits ($5), what name you want in the background ($10) and so on, or a link to things like the soundtrack, audio pack, editor, etc.


As a reminder, too;

All pledges happening AFTER the END of June will not be eligible for the $10 "name in background" reward. (We extended it a bit more!)

(If you pledged $10 PRIOR to that, you're still eligible for it!)

Additionally, you'll have until July 15th to get back to us about how your name should be in the background by replying to emails that you've already gotten/will get about the $10 name in background reward!


If you didn't get an email and you're in one of those categories, please let us know by commenting on this post, or sending me an email at hentaiwriter@gmail.com , or posting on the Discord at https://discord.gg/puXrfSm !



Pledged in May but no email. :(


Whoops, it looks like I actually forgot to send the $10 emails off last night, crunch time getting to me haha. Just sent them off now!

Donnell Thornill

I don't think I got a reward email for the name in background specifically.


Ah, that's because it shows you've only backed at the $20 and $50 levels, you'd need to back at the $10 level once to get the background reward :)