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Hey, if you missed the first powerups post, go back and look at it https://www.patreon.com/posts/4840446 there!

Today I've got three powerups; all three fall into the Defense category.

To note again, these objects are not the actual physical representation of these objects; picking them up doesn't actually give Talia a helmet to wear, so it won't change her outfit. :P


The theme for these three powerups (as they're a "set" of powerups), is "Sports".

Specifically, competitive sports, instead of just sports as a whole. So, starting from the left;

#1 - Baseball Helmet

Representing the American powerup out of the three, I'm pretty sure you all know exactly what this is. I'd go on more about this, but I think out of all sports, Baseball is probably the most American sport there is, as it's literally the national sport :P

The boost it gives is "All damage that Talia takes from projectiles is now lessened by 25%.Being that the primary usage of a baseball helmet is to protect from errant baseballs, this fits pretty well. I know that for the Fire level this only really helps you with one enemy, but for future levels, for example, the Ice Level, THREE of the four enemies on that level have projectiles!

Take note though that since the other remaining 3 levels won't be nearly as projectile heavy, this is an introduction to the concept of powerups that are more useful in certain situations than others; this should encourage you to swap out and move around powerups throughout the course of the game to fit different scenarios.

#2 - Cricket Helmet

Next up representing Europe, is a Cricket Helmet; admittedly, I know very little about Cricket, but I know it's a hell of a lot more popular in Europe than it is in America!

The boost it gives is "All damage that Talia takes from enemies running into her is now lessened by 25%."  I realize that Cricket doesn't really have many people running into one another, as far as I know, but some of the powerups we'll have to stretch from time to time to keep thematically and to the storyline, so unfortunately in this case, this is the one that gets stretched, haha.

#3 - Kendo Helmet

Finally, the Kendo Helmet represents Japan; while it's not the national sport of the country (Sumo is), Kendo is still pretty damn big over there, and as we're going with helmets here, it fits thematically more.

The boost it gives is "All damage that Talia takes from enemies attacking her with melee attacks is now lessened by 25%." Since, you know, that fits the whole "getting hit with a big ass stick" thing of Kendo. :P

The Set Boost for this Set

If you manage to get all three powerups above at once (remember, Talia can only hold three powerups at once, and can't hold more than one of the same kind), then she'll get the following "Set Boost";

"Talia's invincibility period after taking damage is doubled, and she takes 50% less damage in general, but the efficiency of healing items/abilities/orbs is dropped to 25% of what they normally are as well."

As you can imagine, this changes up gameplay quite a bit; the three helmets effectively reduce your damage taken by 25% from each source of damage individually (running into enemies, projectiles, and melee attacks), and then the set boost reduces it another 50%, for a total of 75% damage reduction from all sources! On top of that, your invincibility period after being damaged DOUBLES as well!

...however, to compensate for this massive buff, now, all healing orbs/abilities/so on is dropped to just 25% of its original efficiency.

This means that you're going to get punished much less for the random screwup, but if you tilt and manage to mess up quite a bit, you're going to have a hell of a time climbing back up; this playstyle rewards careful play... but it also could reward, say, someone speedrunning the game and wanting to just plow through enemies to beat a level as fast as possible.

(Just a reminder too; patreon.com/hentaiwriter is where we'll have small games at, and one's coming out in just about a week, with a demo later today!)




If you want a helmet that better represents crashing into other people, you could try a Rugby helmet (known as a scrum cap). Rugby is bigger in Europe/Australia than in the US, after all. ^_^




Nice!!! Now I want to play some mage-baseball-thingy :3


How the hell did I not think about doing this before? Good idea, I'll ask Triangulate to alter that then. It'll be visually more different, too.


While this looks really nice, I was kind of hoping for more UIs. Guess that was a one time deal. Still looking forwards to the rest!

FutureFragments (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-22 21:38:49 3月も投稿頑張っていきます!
2016-04-07 06:59:24 Unfortunately we don't have anything new on the UI stuff yet, been focusing on doing the boss's sex animations.

Unfortunately we don't have anything new on the UI stuff yet, been focusing on doing the boss's sex animations.


Y'know, looking back, I do kind of wonder...wouldn't Football have made more sense for the American one, and have that give protection from being run into since that's exactly what it's for, and Cricket would protect from range? It'd still fit the thematic set quite nicely and not be quite the stretch.


You'd think that, but Baseball is actually called the national past-time, haha. (Also, uh, Football is INSANELY copyright protected here to the point that we probably couldn't have even worked with it.) We switched the Cricket helmet to Rugby though as was earlier suggested, so now it all lines up :P


Ahhh, yes, good ol' rugby. For some reason I couldn't see that comment. @.e Yeah that's a fantastic fit there, lots of ramming into each other...