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We post updates pretty frequently to the Discord over at https://discord.gg/puXrfSm if you're wanting to keep up with progress on Future Fragments!

The reason we don't post updates here that often is because every time we post here, all the backers get an email notification about it, so instead of posting every 2-3 days and such here and flooding your inboxes, we'd rather save Patreon posts only for the big bi-weekly updates (which will be starting this weekend on the 7th).

Just got a few people concerned that the game had suddenly stopped progress, when we've been grinding away at it daily and posting updates and info on it over on the Discord, so come join us there!



Backers only get an email notification if they've got that turned on in their settings. Granted, that's the default option, but at any rate you've got full control over it, even down to specific creators on Patreon. Personally I prefer checking Patreon over checking dc.


But we WANT the email notifications! That's why we're backing in the first place! Nobody wants to have to install some random third party program just to get updates they could be getting here instead.


True, it may be under people's control, but often times a lot of that stuff is pretty obscured; on the Discord I've made it clear how to remove yourself from alerts when I ping for updates, and yet I still get a good 5-10 PMs every time I ping from people asking how to get rid of the ping alerts when it's right in the #faq channel :P That said, I will be updating here more often, but the majority of updates will still be on Discord, for the reason I noted in this post as I've had quite a few complaints in the past from people being "flooded with emails" here.


While I agree with you about the third party program, I should note that you don't have to install anything to use Discord; you can use it in your browser, by just going to the Discord website. I'll start updating here more often (bi-weekly and maybe another post here or there during the month), but there's also a lot less flexibility in how I can update things on Patreon compared to Discord too (can't put multiple songs in a post, can't directly embed videos in posts, etc.) Remember too that for as many people that want email notifications, there's likely just as many that don't want them, if a lot of complaints over the years about it are any proof of that. I'll also be updating on Twitter and Steam starting this month too, if that helps.