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Well, honestly, this may not come as much of a surprise, but we've been doing basically the same thing we've been doing the last two weeks;

  • True Final Boss programming stuff
  • Databank / writing stuff
  • Art stuff for True Final Boss
  • Bugtesting

However, next week I should finally have an actual template for these updates and databanks SHOULD be done if all goes well!

For something fun in the meantime though, here's about 1/4th of the current 3-hours long soundtrack in the link down below, on Soundcloud!

PARTIAL SOUNDTRACK LINK: https://soundcloud.com/future-fragments/sets/full-playlist

Note though that some songs have the first tenth of a second or so cut off; this is on Soundcloud's part, if you press 0 on your keyboard while listening to a song, it'll play properly. When we upload it all to Spotify, this issue shouldn't be there.

As always, feel free to contact us over at the Discord on https://discord.gg/puXrfSm


Denial Leon

The Comedic event has big Groose energy, and i love it. Otherwise im really impressed by the variations of each levels soundtrack, that plays depending on what's currently happening. Didn't know reading databanks had a dedicated song. And this is only 1/4 of the entire thing!? Whoever is making the music is freaking hardcore.


Yeah, our musician is nuts; there's a lot more variations in songs based on things that are happening too/dedicated songs :D