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  • Work is continuing on the True Final Boss fight
  • A new CG was completed between Vie and WREN; you can see it in the Discord group



  • Work is continuing on Databanks; you can see some that are finished in the attached image



  • A majority of bugs have been fixed with the powerups over the last week
  • Some maps have been edited for gameplay balance
  • A few remaining maps have been finished for Fire and The End



  • Databanks were sent off to get mastered with sound effects and so on
  • Work is continuing on mastering the remaining songs for the True Final Boss fight



  • Bugtesting is continuing on the powerups and other aspects of the game


As always, feel free to contact us over at the Discord on https://discord.gg/puXrfSm




I know a lot of J hentai games love letting hentai scenes finish when the turkey is in the oven if you get my drift. I would love it if some of the CGS had finishes outside. I'm more about the photo finish, so fingers crossed we get some good facials and/or body finishes


So there are a few like that; the Fire Level has one (arguably two), the Ice Level has two, and The End and Earth both arguably have one each too, depending on your perspective.