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It's out! If you want to come see the changelog, or talk to us, or give feedback, please join the Discord at https://discord.gg/puXrfSm !
(you're free to give feedback and critique on this post too, of course!)

And here's the demo link!



Looking for more demos of the game? Go here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/25312021

Want to know why all the demos are standalone levels? Go here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/reminder-for-9857925

Trying to run the game on OSx? Go here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/how-to-play-on-8028274




like the demo so far but this is from 2021! look forward to your finish game!


oooh I also I love the Alf Ref with once you lose to the big blob lol


Alf Referenceas in the 80s tv show. The goes like something this. I was dropped off on earth and unlime the that Alien i dont eat cats. ALF eats cats or tries to lol


Oh man, it's been so long I forgot I put that in there as a joke, haha. That's not the final script though, of course.


At some point the escape mechanic after being dazed stopped feeling like a consequence of making a mistake and started feeling optional - by that I mean it's either way too easy to click through the mini-game and escape because you've gotten to full health again before getting to 5 pips, or you end up unconscious anyway. Maybe add a stacking penalty to how difficult escape is based on how often you've been dazed? Or up the difficulty and change the penalty for not escaping from health to temporarily losing an empty pip (making it more easy to reach the next daze)? Not sure what a good solution is but it would be nice if those animations didn't feel completely skippable even with mediocre play.


So it actually does become harder to escape the lower your health is; as far as getting more health, the farther through the game you go, the less health orbs drop (unless you're using powerups to mitigate it). There is also a stacking penalty in play too, but I believe we negated it for the recent demos just because it's both the first level and we're going to do a balance sweep soon here. The reason we introduced the stun system though was basically so that people could see animations without taking a huge chunk of damage; prior to this, you'd have to take 30 HP damage minimum (nearly a third of your life) to see a single one. With this though, you can take damage, heal, and still have stun, so you can see animations without needing to restart effectively. Additionally, you can also get a large amount of stun without taking a lot of damage from some enemy attacks that give lots of stun but little damage. Finally, you can make things harder on yourself with some of the powerups, if you'd like, too.


Heyo, when I go up to the top left where the wounded soldier is, my game gets stuck, is that intended?

Denial Leon

Kinda fun to see everything put together, although im curious whether the teleporters in the dead ends are gonna be there in the full game, or whether it's just because it's a demo.


No, we've swapped out the build for a new one, so that shouldn't happen anymore; just download from the new link :)


Every level will have a "path ender" thing, like the Milk Fusion chambers in Electric, so all the save pads at the end of maps will be swapped out, yep!

Goblin Slayer

yo, i am at the fragment, but i cannot pick it up, is that correct?


Is the run/escape part beatable ? I'd like to get rid of that big pink blob :D

sean rheams

I can't manage to kill it. is there a best strategy? I set it up so i have the multishot at max and full stun with the pouch that increases damage with higher stun and the mens cologne and still can barely put a dent in it before getting caught.